Saturday, March 2, 2019


written: February 26

Photo 332/1001


A beautiful card from Cassie W. (Australian pen pal). I just loved all the details, from the emblossing to the colors to the washi tape as well.

I am doing a lot better today than I was yesterday. Honestly, I probably should have taken yesterday off and just slept the day away. I was barely running on fumes. I did not sleep well for most of the weekend and it took a serious toll on me. But I headed to bed early last night and did not even last the entire CD I usually listen to while I do my pixel coloring before I turn in to go to sleep. And I slept most of the night rather soundly. So hopefully that will fix a lot of the issues I was struggling with yesterday.

I updated my Practicum spread sheet. I need to sit down and rework my schedule (again) to make sure I can get all my hours in before the end of the semester. And I would like to schedule a few more 2 pm – 8 pm shifts just to get the hours done faster (and pay less toll fees).

I need to set up my altar for Polar Bear Day ritual. That is on Thursday, so it is swiftly approaching. I have quite a bit of cash in the box that needs to be blessed and charmed before I deposit that into my savings account. And I should figure out how much of each paycheck I need to deposit into savings to be able to hit the Savings Goal I have set for this year. And I am really feeling the pull for some good ritual time. And the Polar Bear one is one of my personal favorite holy days that is solely mine.

Maybe that is what I need more of. More personally meaningful holy days and less of the “mainstream” ones that do not really mean much (if anything) to me. Honestly, I think if I were to do a massive decluttering and maybe some rearranging, my rituals will be better. The “art” table is completely buried in stuff and trash. And I think that stagnant energy is slowly enveloping my entire room. Maybe this summer, I can get that done.

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