Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Happy Flail

Photo 347/1001


So this is apparently what happens when you let your broccoli plant just do its own thing. ::chuckles:: Maybe it will reseed itself and grow again? At least I know I can grow it.

Today was a boring ass day. I weeded for an hour. Though I did sneak in reading three of the picture books during this. ::chuckles:: And then I was on the E desk with Jen (who’s awesome) and then Kayla (who was super non-talkative). Which, normally I would be fine with the whole non-talkative, but anytime I opened up my journal to do some writing, she would start looking over my shoulder to see what I was writing. ::rolls her eyes:: I HATE that shit. So the hour with her DRAGGED so slowly. It was awful. At least we had a steady flow of patrons to keep me somewhat busy.

To be honest, I could still be completely worn out from all the socializing yesterday. I made sure to wear Hazel Nut’s protection locket today and I feel it did keep me a bit more grounded.

I’ve been steadily working this week to get all caught up on my pen pal replies. I’m down to just three currently! Woohoo!

I watched a pretty good webinar by the Witch of Lupine Hollow titled “How To Create Powerful Mini-Rituals” today. I took a few notes that I want to flesh out a little bit better. And I have a few things I want to mull over and write on before sharing here. Like a list of mini-rituals that I engage in most of the time without realizing they are mini-rituals. Witch of Lupine Hollow suggested writing them all down in your journal, and when you are feeling disconnected, just flip to that page and do one of the mini-rituals. Love that idea.

Tomorrow we get to go play with the Asian short-clawed otters! I am so excited. I was planning to call them today and verify that we did have our spot, because, how horrible would it be if they didn’t log us for that day and time? I would literally lose it because this is something I have been looking forward to for MONTHS. But I got the reminder email today, so hurray! I didn’t have to talk on the phone!

Oh yeah! So I may get to meet up with long-time blogging buddy, Annie, in October. We’ve known each other something like 14+ years now. She’ll be in Atlanta, which isn’t an awful drive for me (about 13 hours). AND I have two other buddies in the Atlanta area – James (LARPing buddy) and JoAnn (journaling buddy) that I would love to get some face time with as well. So I’m making a weekend of it and can hopefully meet up with all my peeps.

And you wanna talk about my social anxiety coming out when sending Annie a FB message when she announced she would be in Atlanta later on this year. I wrote and re-wrote, deleted, and then re-wrote my inquiry if she’d be interested in meeting up. Hell, I almost didn’t even send it. ::laughs:: But she is cool with meeting up and I seriously did a happy flail. ::laughs:: So I’ve got that weekend blacked out in my planner so I don’t plan anything else then. It will be so cool to meet up with Annie in person.

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