Sunday, June 13, 2021

Cliff Hanger

Welp, I left that last entry on a bit of a cliff hanger. To Quest or not to Quest.

Ultimately, I have decided not to Quest this year.

While it does make a lot of sense to do the Quest this year, there are some major hurdles in the way of doing that. Namely, I would have to quit smoking AND coffee between now and Quest time. And yes…I definitely do need to quit smoking. And the sooner the better. But to go from half a pack a day to zero in a few months’ time while still working with the public and ensuring I keep my job? Yeah, that’s going to be down right difficult. I would rather take it a bit slower and make the quitting actually stick. I’ve already begun working on cutting back and am doing really good in that department.

We are not going to talk about my coffee consumption. Like, not at all right now. Because that’s just ramping up. ::laughs::

Work is going very well. The Da. Library is so relaxed and chill. It’s really nice. One of my coworkers has lavender hair and I’m over the damn moon about it. So yes, at some point in the near future, I’ll be putting some of my beloved blue back into my hair once more. I cannot wait! And right now, we are allowed to wear jeans and respectable t-shirts for the dress code. Like, fuck yeah, I’m happy. ::smiles::

Honestly though, this library is a tad bit boring at times. But I’ll take boring over being so stressed out and completely bullied that I’m having psychosis and battling hourly impulses to engage in self-harm any day of the damn week. There is no Dustin and I couldn’t be happier about that. Plus the pay is sooooooo much better. SO. MUCH. BETTER.

So yeah. That’s where I’m at right now. Just focusing on keeping my spending under tight wraps – only buying some things I desperately need for work (like shoes that don’t have massive holes in them). And learning the ropes to this new job environment. And working to aggressively pay down debt. ::smiles::