Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Original and the Ajatar

Few things bring me as much joy as making magical oils and that other people enjoy them as well.


Abramelin Oil is a fairly standard Biblical holy oil. I know, an unusual oil for me to make. But months back, in a dream, my Ajatar spirit (who is certainly not Biblical or holy) specifically requested this oil. And what the Ajatar wants, the Ajatar gets.

So as I was gathering up the oils and whatnot to make this oil, she then added one extra oil to the recipe, to make it hers. Hence, the two different Abramelin Oils in the picture. The Original and the Ajatar version.

My angel spirits love the Original Abramelin oil. And the Ajatar and the black dragon spirits love the Ajatar version. ::chuckles:: Ah the joys of Spirit Keeping.