Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Shit Hitting The Fan

written: January 30th

Man, I don’t even know when to start.  I just THOUGHT I was over Alexia’s bullshit…but apparently, yesterday while I was gone, she decided to up the ante.  Of course she was on her phone.  I expected that.  But also she, for some reason, thought it would be a brilliant idea to run around the playground with no shoes…and then to continue to do so once she came inside.  ::shakes her head::

And of course, today she claims a migraine and called in “sick”…but of course she failed to report it correctly.  So the bosses had to pull someone from another campus to cover our campus.  She let me know over text that she wouldn’t be in and didn’t report it correctly.  I told her that she is expected to report her absences correctly because when she doesn’t, it really screws over our campus.  And she snarked back “Ok well I can’t help when I get a migraine.  Sorry.  I can’t schedule a migraine.”  I wrote back “I get that.  But this isn’t the first time you haven’t reported an absence correctly and it negatively impacts our campus.”  I’m so tired of her bullshit.

So anyways, I’m told as soon as I get on campus, about her being barefoot and on her phone.  So I went to the Principal and asked if there was any way I could see the video from the cafeteria on Monday.  And the Principal is AMAZING and we ran through the video.  And sure enough, Alexia was in the cafeteria in just her socks and was on her phone. 

I’ve put in a request that Esmeralda come out and facilitate the talk between me and Alexia on this matter.  Because apparently, whatever I am doing just isn’t working.  I am hoping that Esmeralda will get to see what I’m dealing with here.  Because this shit has got to end. 

Now that I’ve got that off my chest.  What GOOD things can I talk about?  Students were super happy to have me back.  I got responses written to my pen pals AND the long overdue thank you card written to my grandmother.  Yay me!

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

More Involved Than I Planned

written: January 29th

Well, today ended up being world’s more involved than I was anticipating.  I was only anticipating doing the standard Well-Woman Check-Up.  Instead, it also included a transvaginal ultrasound AND a blood-draw.  BUT we did talk about a few different options I have to deal with my current Period of Doom.  Dr. H. sent me home with a pamphlet on an IUD and on ablation. 

She told me to read the pamphlets and think on it over the next week and then call her office with whichever path I decide to go.  Honestly, I’m leaning heavily towards ablation.  It has zero downtime.  And I’ve just heard unpleasant things about IUDs.  Typically with ablation, it would be a local anesthesia.  But given how the last “local anesthesia” situation went with me, Dr. H. will put me completely under for the surgery.  ::chuckles::  We don’t want a repeat of how horrible the LEEP procedure went back in 2008. 

But before I can really consider doing any of this, I have to find out how much THIS doctor’s visit is going to cost me.  And I have to see what route the new psych wants to go, medication or no medication.  I have to get my fucking finances settled again before I can even begin to consider any sort of medical procedures.

Which leads me into the upcoming Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse on Wednesday.  I plan to re-bless and re-consecrate my various Witch jewelry.  But I also plan to do a serious money charm.  I have to get my spending under control.  I’m still acting like I’m working both the after school program and Starbucks.  Back then, I did have a bit of extra money to spend, while able to pay all of my bills, AND sock away quite a bit into savings.  But I haven’t worked at Starbucks in over 2 years now, and thus, I need to readjust my finances.    


written: January 28th

Driving to my lil hometown – I saw so many roadkill coyotes and birds of prey.  These are two animals that typically are not frequent roadkill.  But I saw at least 10 dead coyotes and more than a dozen dead hawks and owls.  Just broke my heart.  If I’d had the ability, I would have picked up all of the birds of prey and at least harvested their feathers.  It just sucks that they are just going to lie on the side of the road and rot away.  Or worse, lure scavengers in to potentially be struck and killed by cars as well.  If I could, I would have picked up all the dead animals and taken them somewhere away from the road, so they could be scavenged without the threat to the scavengers.  I know, I’m an odd one that way.  Trust me, you ain’t telling me anything I don’t already know.  ::laughs::

I mentioned wanting a simple stereo to have in my room – mostly so I could play soft, soothing music to cover up the asshole neighbor’s dogs barking at 7 am…or like yesterday, the neighbors behind us decided to have two MASSIVE trees removed….starting at 8 am.  I am NOT a morning person, and so having my sleep disturbed like that can put me in a hell of a mood, so I wanted something I could play some soothing music to cover some of the noise up.  ::laughs::  And my husband decides to go to Best Buy for me and comes back with a NICE stereo for my room.  It can play CDS (because I have a number of soothing CDS I listened to back in high school)…AND has apparently bought me an iPod as well, because the stereo can dock an iPod.  ::chuckles::    I knew it was a good idea to mention it while he was hyper-fixated on stereos.  I’m finally learning how to channel some of his ADHD.  ::chuckles::

Mom and I stayed up to almost midnight chatting.  Apparently, she also had terrible periods – they sound like they were even worse than mine are currently.  So she completely sympathizes.  And she reminded me of how bad my periods were when I first started menstruating.  Thank god, mine aren’t that bad currently.  If they were, I would have demanded a hysterectomy by the time I was 25 years old.  ::chuckles::