Thursday, December 27, 2018


written: December 25

Photo 269/1001


The various holiday cards we’ve received this month. I like hanging them up in the kitchen. We don’t do a lot of decorating for Christmas, so this is an easy way to do some decorating. ::smiles:: Next year though, I will be getting us a small tree to decorate.

We didn’t do Christmas today. After my Mom came up on the 15th, that was pretty much Christmas for us. Mom called to wish us a merry Christmas and I texted my Brother. After that, it was just low key, introvert heaven. ::smiles::

Which, lemme tell you, is something we both desperately needed after the craziness of the past few months. I am hoping that next Christmas time, I will have a new full-time job in my chosen career field and we can do a bit more celebrating than we have in years past. I would like to do either big projects for the house or maybe a trip for the two of us. And it certainly doesn’t have to be trips during this time of the year. Instead, we chose a trip for the next year that we want to do, and start actively putting money towards it. Same for any house projects we want/need to do.

I do need to check and see if my Mom happens to still have the blueprints to the stockings Fwing (my grandmother) used to make for all of us. I should get photos of those stockings as well. They are GORGEOUS. I want to try my hand at making some. The local library here has sewing machines that I can use, which would make the bulk of the stocking easier and less time consuming. The beading will have to be done by hand, but I am actually looking forward to that.

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