Sunday, April 1, 2018

Last Day of March

written: March 31st

Ah the final day of March.

I am finding myself feeling very mellow today. 
I got the news that the Digital Citizenship Lesson Plan thing – the thing that I felt like I had personally just half-assed, but was proud of at least half-assing it, instead of no-assing it?  Yeah, got 100% on it and my professor LOVED it.   ::laughs::  I swear, grad school is merely honing my bullshit and gab skill sets.  Onwards to the next!

Tonight is the 2nd blue moon of the year.  A blue moon is when two full moons occur in the same month.

I blessed by new wand and breathed life/energy into her.  I made an offering of Full Moon Incense (that I picked up over Spring Break).  And then I just sat and chilled outside, under the full moon light.

April starts a lot of things up for me.  April is the next round of the NaJoWriMo – which I’m debating even saying I’m participating, as it seems to have taken a new direction.  The guy running it is now pushing his “prompts” that he’s selling each month.  And given that I rarely do prompts, and if I was, I would not be paying for them, am I really doing NaJoWriMo?  Or has it just become my own thing now?  ::chuckles::

Anyways, for my NaJoWriMo goal – I plan to work on my grimoire in some shape, form, or fashion every single day of April.  I would like to get back into the habit of making entries in it more regularly.

And I’ve decided to pick up my 365 photo challenge again.  So starting April 1st, I will be taking a photo a day.  I’m fairly certain that I will share the daily photos in my blog entries again.  I enjoyed doing that. 

AND April 1st starts my newest round of 101 Goals in 1001 Days.  So I need to really finalize that list of goals, and come up with an attack plan for them.  Which, reminds me, I should look over my 36 Goals for my 36th year as well and see how that’s all panning out.  ::chuckles::

Gotta get to reading.  I’m about 3/4ths of the way through The Caged Graves by Dianne K. Salerni (historical fiction).  I need to finish up that book and do its review.  And then I need to get to cracking on Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust, by Doreen Rappaport (informational book).

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