Friday, March 9, 2018

Thankful Thursday

written: March 8th

I am thankful…
1.       For an amazing income tax return that has allowed me to reach my savings goal AND pay off various bills that needed handling.
2.       Music on YouTube that exposes me to new musicians – I’m currently in LOVE with Svrcina.
3.       Longer days – it’s nice to get off of work and it still be light outside.
4.       Spring Break starts on Monday.  I desperately need a week off from school and work. 
5.       So many pen pal letters that I need to respond to!  ::laughs::  But it’s an awesome “problem” to have, so I’m not really complaining.
6.       That today was a MUCH better day, as compared to the utter insanity yesterday was.  Holy shit, yesterday sucked so bad.
7.       Swapping out various Sage Goddess perfume oils that I don’t care for, so that I can try out different ones without having to spend an arm and a leg in the process.  ::smiles::
8.       Beautiful weather – the week of rain finally ended and now everything is in growing over-drive.  ::laughs::
9.       Finally slowing down enough to read over the assignment due this weekend – I thought I had TWO papers over TWO books due…but I only have one paper due.  The Youth Lit professor just seems to really like lumping assignments together in the syllabus, but then saying Assignment A is due this particular day, while Assignment B (which is RIGHT THERE WITH Assignment A) isn’t due until a MONTH LATER.  This class is driving me absolutely batty! 
10.   Josey reminding me to just go sit with her outside, basking in the beautiful weather, sunshine, and wind. 

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