Thursday, January 25, 2018

Spiritual & Work Things

written: January 23rd

First off, a Happy 34th birthday to my “little” brother!  ::laughs::  I say “little” because he’s younger than me, but like 4 inches taller.  ::chuckles::  I hope this year is nicer to him than last year.  The big thing last year is the damage done to his house due to flooding from Hurricane Harvey.  Hell, if he wasn’t such a devout Christian, I would offer to make some charms for his home, to help garner affection from the Harpies (they are originally minor deities of storms and divine protection) to keep his property safe.  So while making charms for him is out, I do still include him in my prayers for protection all the same.  Just as I’m sure when he prays to his deity, he says some prayers for me.  ::chuckles::

Much better day at work today.  Alexia made it a point to put her phone in the black cabinet, outside of her purse, so there wouldn’t be any confusion about her possibly having it on her.  ::laughs::  It might be all snark on her part, but I don’t fucking care.  Just as long as that damn phone is in the black cabinet.  Her write-up went very well and I pointed out that it’s really hard for me to defend her to the parents when the parents tell me that their child came home talking about how she was on Snap Chat, talking to boys.  So HOPEFULLY, we can go a month-and-a-half before her next write up (she’s averaging about a month between write-ups right now).  I’m hopeful, but not holding my breath. 

I had an INTENSE dream last night.  I think a new spirit is trying to make contact…or I’m being told to return to my roots once again.  Brandy (my Canadian Twin) had a lot of good insight on it and some techniques to try out, to see if I can learn some more about what is going on.  Hopefully, I can give that a go this weekend.  Right now, sadly, I have to get to writing on my 2 weekly discussion posts (Youth Lit and Digital Citizenship).

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