Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Last Day...

written: January 7th

The last day of Winter Break.  Don’t get me wrong.  I do miss my students.  And I do worlds better with something to occupy my mind instead of allowing it to wander about as it pleases….but I still don’t want to go to work tomorrow!  ::laughs::

I spent the day writing out (long-hand) eight pen pal intro letters for the witchy pen pal group.  I kept trying to find The Best and Coolest ™ intro letters, but honestly, it was just a stalling tactic.  So I just jumped in with both feet and wrote my lil heart out.  And my wrist is killing me now.  ::laughs::  I am definitely out of the habit of writing anything of substance by hand.

Josey seems to be having an allergic reaction to the soap the groomers used.  She looks like she has all these lumps all over her sides and back.  They don’t seem to hurt or itch (any more than she already itches), but David’s taking tomorrow off so he can take her to the vet just in case. And the way he’s losing his shit over all of this…makes me so damn glad we opted not to have children.  I can’t imagine how he’d go off the deep end if something were to happen to a child of his.  ::chuckles::  It’s a good thing, because it shows how deeply he cares about Josey….but god damn man.  Do a tiny bit of research before losing your shit so completely.

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