Saturday, January 27, 2018

Drama & Doctors

written: January 26th

Yay, it’s Friday!
The drama at work is building.  I have a feeling Tuesday is going to bring it to a head, if it doesn’t explode before then.  ::sighs:: 

Turns out, Alexia hasn’t been taken her borderline personality disorder medication for the past week because she just didn’t feel like taking it.  I swear my jaw hit the ground when she said that.  You do NOT just not take your psychiatric medications on a whim.  There are so many repercussions…beyond just what your psychiatric disorder manifests.  Stopping psychiatric medications cold turkey leads to major withdrawal issues as well.  ::shakes her head::  So yeah, that explains so much of her recent instability. 

I’m so not looking forward to my doctor’s appointment on Monday – it’s with my gynecologist. 

TMI from here, you’ve been warned:

So I plan to talk to my gyno about my periods.  They suck.  Like, seriously SUCK, here recently.
I’m up to BLEEDING for 7 days….with another 3 days of like light spotting.
The first 48 hours, the cramps are horrible.  I eat painkillers like they’re candy.  And I have to change my “up to 8-hour leak protection” pads every three hours. 
After the first 48 hours, the cramping is gone and I have to change my pad every 4 hours.
And that’s when the clots show up.  For the next 5 days, clots of every size.  Most are small (smaller than a penny), but there quite a few that are large (large as a 50 cent piece or even bigger). 
It just sucks all around.  And the fact that it’s definitely gotten worse in the past 6 months?  Yeah, I’m done with fucking periods.

And I need to talk to her about the lil bumps I get on my outer labia and inner labia from time to time.  They are just these little bumps, almost like a pimple, but aren’t a pimple.  They are tender to the touch for a few days, but then go away completely.  So I don’t know what that’s about, hence why I need to talk to her about it and get the info on it.  It’s not life threatening or anything.  Just irritating from time to time.

And then Wednesday, I have my first appointment with the new shrink.  I’m not nervous about that yet.  I figure once I’m through the gyno stuff, THAT is when the anxiety will hit for the shrink appointment.  I’m thinking of telling her my medical history, but asking for a full evaluation to see if the original diagnosis (from 2000, by a psychiatrist-in-training) is accurate or not.  And we’ll take it from there. 

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