Wednesday, April 5, 2017


written: April 4th

Photo of the day:

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Yeah, some super ominous looking clouds. Gotta love those gorgeous Texas skies. We got a bit of a lightning show wayyyyy off in the distance (couldn’t even hear thunder, it was that far away), but that’s it.

So I was in a FUNKY head-space yesterday. I’m not sure what was going on. A bit of rationale and grumpiness all combined together.

I do not regret my spear purchase at all. I absolutely adore my spear – even though I do not have it yet in my possession. And even if it does not have an actual physical use, I figure I will adorn it with feathers and claws and stones and all that, to be a symbol of my Faith. But I think I will try using it to Cast Circle and see how that feels. If nothing else, I could use it like a Stang in Traditional Witchcraft….a marker of Sacred Space. Conventional Pagan wisdom would have it placed in the East as that’s traditionally where one begins to Cast the Circle. But I think it will reside in the South. Seems a good home for it. ::chuckles::

I’ve elected to drop out of a few Pagan MeetUp Groups I was a member of. I think that’s what Jaguar is cautioning me about…joining groups solely to be a part of a group, regardless of how they actually mesh with my purpose. I need to be more selective in where I actually put my energy. As much as I would like to be a part of a Coven once again…I honestly do not have the leisure time to devote to such an endeavor. The only way I could be a member of a Coven is if I managed to locate one in my city. But it seems to be a distinct lack of Covens in this city. There are tons in the cities surrounding us…but none within our city limits. Weird. ::shrugs:: But it is what it is. And until I finish Grad school, I just cannot be driving an hour one way to join a Coven that may or may not work out for me.

I must be patient. As much as I hate it. But that’s another aspect of Jaguar Totem energy – solitary by nature, and ever so patient. Something that I need to hone. I’ve perfected going for the throat in an instance and crushing. But now, now I am learning to hold my tongue. I am learning how to play the political game and to bide my time.

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