Sunday, April 16, 2017

Grand Plans

written: April 15th

Photo of the day:

alt text

My copy of The Red Queen by Ravynne Phelam arrived today from Australia. And she was awesome enough to include the pictured “Faith” card from her Dreams of Gaia tarot deck. I really may have to pick up that deck, now that I’ve seen a few cards from it. Brandy (my Canadian twin spirit) has the deck and says it’s great. So now, I just have to wait until my birthday so I can afford to get it.

My bill from my trip to the ER clinic back in March finally arrived – thankfully just $532 – my insurance took care of the rest (without insurance, I would be looking at a $2k and change bill instead). So while it pained me to pull the money out of savings, I just didn’t feel like going through the hassle of setting up a payment plan. Besides, I HAVE the money, so why not just go ahead and pay it off and get it off my plate? Now I just have to work to put that money back into savings as soon as I possibly can.

I am just grateful that I did work at Starbucks for 2 years, along with my after school program, which allowed me to save as aggressively as I did at that time. I do wish I had been more aggressive with saving, but I’m doing ok to be honest. Just reminds me again why I am working on this damn degree and the financial security I am hoping it grants me when I get a job within the library field.

I talk of grand plans, of working for the Vatican Library for a year on their digitization project. Of landing one of the paid internships at the National Museum of the American Indian. And while I will continue striving towards those two lofty jobs, I do need to begin looking at more realistic ventures. I guess this summer I’ll visit the local library and see about getting a volunteer position there. I have to log so many hours (as a practicum for the degree) and it has to be done before I take my End of Course Exams, so I should get to cracking on that soon. And I need to figure out what courses I want to take next semester (no more budget shit!), and get those submitted for department approval soon. I missed out on one of the classes I wanted to take this semester because it was full by the time I got my punk ass motivated to start inquiring. ::chuckles:: So I need to do that soon.

So a fun thing I’m planning for this summer? I’m finally going to put some lavender in my hair! ::chuckles:: I know, it doesn’t sound that wild, but I’ve always worked in child care and have never been “allowed” to have “unnatural” hair color. During the summer, I work in the warehouse, so it shouldn’t be a big deal. I plan to have a hairdresser bleach the bottom 2 inches of my hair and make them lavender. That way, when summer is over, all I have to do is cut those 2 inches off, and I’m “school appropriate” once more. ::chuckles and winks::

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