Saturday, January 14, 2017

Pick Your Battles

written: January 13th 

Whew! I survived the looooooong ass day!

First off, it was an early release day….which means my after school program starts much earlier but runs until the same time. So I’m on the clock from 11:15 am until 6:30 pm…no “real” breaks to speak of. Thank goodness I have such an amazing team of aides and we make sure to cover when someone needs a bathroom break or just a mental health 5 minute breather.

My boss came out and pretty much griped me out for a load of bullshit. Apparently the sub we got the other day, even though we were fully staffed, told Gail that we don’t do reading time or homework time…and zero activities. We just play and color and that’s it. Such bullshit, because all that sub did the entire time she was on our campus was gossip, trash-talk Gail, and talk herself up to how awesome and bad-ass she is. Fucking liar.

But of course, Gail is taking the sub’s side, and so I got read the riot act for a good 45 minutes. After 15 minutes of me explaining how I run my campus and attempting to defend WHY I run it a particular way, I could see that it was simply going in one ear and out the other. She’d already made up her mind on how it was going to go and that I was merely drawing out the ass-chewing. So I shut my mouth and feinted interest in what bullshit she was spouting, hoping she would tired out her jaw and go away.

She THEN proceeded to go talk to Amber (my annoying aide, who is in charge of the activities portion of the program) and chew HER out for 30 minutes. And then Gail told Amber that Gail will be back out on my campus on Wednesday (when we get back from our 4-day weekend) to show us how to run our campus “properly”.

What the ever loving FUCK?! She sure as shit didn’t say this to me while we were talking and she mentioned in the parent satisfaction survey, that my campus was one of the highest scoring campuses in the entire program AND we also had the highest percentage of parent participation in the survey. So tell me, why the fuck are we busting my chops here? The parents are happy. The kids are happy. My campus is pretty damn calm and we certainly don’t have many issues that require the boss’s attention (excluding 2 shitty fucking aides they tried to saddle me with). I’m sure there are far bigger issues out there that require Gail’s attention rather than micro-managing my damn campus.

I am thinking it’s getting very, very close to a time for me to request a meeting with our head boss, Kelly. Talking to other campuses in different zones (there are three zones – Gail is the zone supervisor for my zone), they say that the “curriculum” is optional – you can either do the curriculum they’ve created for us, or they can create their own. I’ve been doing the “create your own” version because I’ve got some really good projects that the kids really enjoy, AND because the curriculum they gave us are very questionable. But now, today, I’m being told I don’t have the option? That I HAVE to use the curriculum they gave us, but if I want to ADD on to the curriculum, then I can do that. ::shakes her head::

So yeah, I’m rather curious to see how Wednesday goes. I will not sabotage it and I will instruct my staff to follow Gail’s lead in all things. I am fairly confident that I run my campus quite well for all the quirks that occur naturally on my campus. But I am not so arrogant to believe that my way is the ONLY way. We’ll try it her way and see if it works.

But I’m not going to lie either. It would give me such unending pleasure to have it crash and burn in the most horrible of ways (that do not put my students in harm’s way). I am not above admitting that I would love nothing more than to watch my boss crash and burn and then I would have to swoop in and save the day.

After all that bull shit, I came home and got ready to go to my husband’s company party. Honestly, it turned out a LOT better than I thought it would. Food was decent. Two glasses of VERY strong wine. Husband even received an award this year! Woot woot!

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But it ended on a sour note when they started up the disco lights for the “dance floor” and cranked the music to ear-piercing levels. It wouldn’t have been bad if there had been some base to the music, but I swear they cranked the treble up all the way. All of that triggered a migraine on the spot. It’s been ages since I’ve had one triggered that swiftly and brutally. Hell, I ended up taking my punk ass to bed at 10:30 pm because it was so bad (I typically don’t go to bed until 1 am).

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