Saturday, February 10, 2018


I am deeply humbled by the outpouring of support on my previous post, talking about my unconventional marriage and how it works out perfectly for my husband and I.  And sadly, how I felt like my shrink was seeing the unconventional-ness as a negative instead of the positive that it is.

Granted, she came out of left field with it and I was not prepared to explain it fully.  And, honestly, she kind of cut me off a few times when I was trying to explain it.  I just hate that I get so flustered at times that I can’t communicate well.  But now that I’ve had time to pause and reflect, at our next appointment, I do plan to correct her assumptions.

Today was my first day back on the job.  I’m still grumpy that I was on administrative leave when I was the one being threatened, but that is neither here nor there.  I’m just biding my time until my grievance hearing.  Luckily today, Alexia had to leave at 4:30, so it certainly made the day easier on me.

Luckily, I was able to snag two of Eric Carle’s books from our elementary library.  I have an illustrator paper due by Sunday.  I already have two books by Dr. Seuss.  Now I just have to find the motivation to actually WRITE the damn thing.  Fuck, I need to find the motivation to do the blog book reviews as well. 

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