Thursday, June 29, 2017


written: June 27th

Photo for today:

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Seems the gods were listening when I was bemoaning fucking up a photo of a blue jay feather and an owl feather that I had found yesterday. They were in the same spot I dropped them yesterday! Unusual, as the wind had been pretty gusty earlier. But here are the two feathers I was talking about yesterday, in a much better photo. ::chuckles::

Nothing major to note outside of this. Work is work. Evan, my coworker who is also a campus leader like me at the after school program (just at a different campus), is slow as SHIT. Seriously, I banged out 210 iPads (cleaned, put into iPad cases, and boxed) today. He comes in a hour and a half after me, and SIX hours he’s there….he does friggin 40 iPads. That’s all. He’s on his goddamn phone all the time. It takes him ages to clean an iPad. But seriously, just 40 iPads?? That’s insane. I’m averaging about 26 iPads an hour, and he’s averaging SIX. Talk about making me see red! It sucks so bad because we are both getting paid the same amount of money per hour, and yet he’s doing a FRACTION of the work.

Ok, off that subject and on to happier ones. My feathers from my German friend arrived today. So awesome. I love them. AND he was kind enough to toss in a beautiful owl feather as a surprise. I have inquired what species of owl, because I’m super anal that way, and have to know such things. I’m just waiting to hear back from him on that. Which reminds me, I really need to label my various feathers in my collection soon, so I don’t forget what is what. Because, again, I’m seriously anal about these things. ::chuckles::

Oh and another thing….my rosebush is blooming again! Woohoo!

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One blossom is already open, but there’s a good half dozen or so buds in the wings. Just waiting for the right time to bloom. Love it!

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