Saturday, July 2, 2016

NaJoWriMo, Grimoires, and Krav Maga

written: July 1st
It’s the first day of July, which means the first day of the National Journal Writing Month Challenge (NaJoWriMo for short).  I’m shooting for an entry every day, and around 500 words per entry.  Seeing as how I get off of work around 4:30 and the husband doesn’t come home until 9 pm AND I’m not taking any classes this summer, I figure I should be able to make the 500 word mark.  Hopefully.

I am finally getting my butt in gear and doing the 2016 Grimoire Challenge.  Yeah, just a few months behind, but it just matters that I’m beginning!  After watching a couple dozen (or more) videos on YouTube of various Witches, Pagans, Druids, etc showing their Book of Shadows and/or Grimoires, I’m rather geared up to begin on my own once more.  Hopefully this will stick a bit better this time around.

But back to the Grimoire Challenge, there are some journaling prompts that I’ll answer during the NaJoWriMo.  The lady creating these challenges, threw out a ton of “basic” questions that one typically answers in a Grimoire/Book of Shadows, but they do require a lot of thinking and some serious writing to answer them properly.  So I’ll be dividing and conquering those over the course of the month, plus any other ones she tosses out.

I’m housing-sitting for the Robinsons once more.  I’m hoping to really take advantage of the pool once more.  And the quiet house in the mornings when I let their dog, Sammie, out to answer the call of nature.  Hopefully I’ll get a bit of writing in at that time as well.

Sam (one of David’s coworkers, and a person we both just adore) spent most of the day with us.  I’m just glad she knew how to deal with a VERY excitable pup.  Josey didn’t even phase Sam.  I wish our dog was better behaved, but she’s getting better.  

We all snagged dinner from 5 Guys Burgers and Fries and ended up watching Gods of Egypt.  I was disappointed that Sekhmet didn’t appear in the movie, but they did a good job of hinting at Hathor’s other side (aka Sekhmet).  Over all, decent movie.

Sam left around 9 pm, and I was utterly worn out by that point from socializing.  I should do more socializing to build up a tolerance to it.  ::laughs::  My anxiety is getting worse – especially my social anxiety.  

So now I’m debating about going back to therapy.  Or maybe just taking some Krav Maga classes instead.  David suggested the self-defense as a way to combat my fears on multiple levels.  He feels that if I know I can handle myself in most situations, that it will definitely help my anxiety of being out in public.  And I have to say, it does make quite a bit of sense.  So the debate now is do I spend the money doing therapy that may or may not work…or do I spend the money on Krav Maga that may not help my anxiety, but will get me into shape and show me how to defend myself?  I’m kind of leaning towards Krav Maga.

1 comment:

  1. I would definitely go for the Krav Maga. Can't go wrong in learning to defend yourself. From personal experience, social anxiety gets worse if you don't force yourself to socialize.
