Thursday, July 28, 2016

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful…
1.       The nice quick rainstorm we got yesterday.  It dropped the temperatures for a while.  And I was able to collect a decent amount of rainwater for the Harpies.  This should keep them happy for a bit.
2.       Realizing that I am a lot stronger than I give myself credit for.  And that I tend to hold myself back as well.  Now that I realize this behavior, I can start taking steps on correcting it.
3.       Doing longer walks with Josey and that she is doing pretty decent with them.  Of course, after I wrote this and attempted to take her on the longer walk, it was a complete cluster-fuck.  Oh well.  We will try again tomorrow.
4.       The wild hair I got up my ass this past weekend to finally rearrange about 98% of my bedroom.  I really like to so much more now.  I still have a bit left to do, but I am content with where it is headed.
5.       The various YouTube videos I have been watching by various Pagans.  Some of it is nothing but drama and petty bullshit – but there are some real gems in there that I find very inspiring and that are encouraging me to step up my own Pagan game, so to speak.
6.       That I am going to Houston this weekend with my Mom – it is my little Nephew’s 2nd birthday party.  And I will finally get to meet my little Niece that was born back in April.  ::smiles::
7.       The downtime at the summer tech job that allows me to get some writing down and that also allows me to watch the aforementioned YouTube videos and channels.  I certainly could get used to this pace of work.  ::grins and winks::  But having to do everything three times over for it to be officially done?  Yeah, I could do without it.
8.       That I’m working on getting back into the habit of using the elliptical.  I actually miss this habit that I fell out of a while back.  I am ready to get back into the swing of it again.
9.       That this round of the National Journal Writing Month challenge is just about over.  I should be able to hit my goal of 15,000 words this time around.  I think I have only done that twice before (if even that).  ::laughs::
10.   That the depression finally lifted.  It was a brutal week or so, struggling under it, but guess what?  I am still standing.  And it definitely makes me grateful for the depression free times in my life.  And it makes me doubly grateful that my depression spells now aren’t as long or as brutal as they used to be.  I don’t know if that’s because the depression itself isn’t as strong any more or if it’s because I’m stronger now and that it doesn’t affect me the same way it used to.  Either way, I am just grateful it isn’t as bad as it used to be.

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