Thursday, July 28, 2016

Witch Crush

written: July 27th
I am totally hooked on the YouTube channel of “The Lovely LittleWitch”.  I just adore her.  Like, she is someone I could totally enjoy being friends with her, hanging out with her, and definitely doing magick and/or ritual with her.  She is just such a bad ass, foul-mouthed witch who is dedicated to a “dark” goddess – sounds just like me!  ::laughs::  She is dedicated to the Madame Brigitte – a Haitian loa.  Gah, I am having a serious witch crush on the Lovely Little Witch!  ::laughs::

But watching through her various videos, they really inspire me on my own Path.  I want to do more with my altar and magickal area.  She has an amazing sacred room.  And her outdoor witch’s circle?  So friggin’ awesome!  It’s a huge circle with a firepit in the center and the circle is bordered by these huge tree trunks set up like seats.  It kind of reminds me of the ancient Celtic henges and I just love it.  I would kill for her outdoor witch’s circle.  If I had the yard space, I would totally copy her circle.  But I don’t have the space for the huge ring of massive tree stumps she has, but I am sure I will figure something out.  

We definitely do have plans to put in a small fire pit in our side yard eventually, over where our swing bench is.  We need to remove part of the brick wall that we have there, which is completely unnecessary and it actually cuts off part of the yard from line of sight.  So of course, this is the area that Josey likes the most.  But given that she likes to eat dirt and leaves and rocks and sticks and leaves, she needs to be supervised.  So part of that wall has to go.  And when it does, it will open up this area of the yard that’s cut off from us currently enjoying.  And with some of that open space, we want to put in a small fire pit.  And while we talk about sitting around it, roasting marshmallows and cooking various “camp” food, you can bet your ass I will be doing ritual out there for damn sure. 

I’ve got to figure out some ways to banish the damn mosquitoes.  I should plant some sage and some mosquito plants.  Hell, I’m even tempted to buy some of the tiki torches to put up around our outdoor area.  I just hate having to douse myself in OFF anytime I want to step outside.  And if I don’t, then I run the risk of being completely drained of blood by those damn little vampires.  Plus, with West Nile and the first case of the Zika virus in the area (though, the individual caught the Zika virus from traveling abroad…but if a mosquito bites that person, they can now spread the virus), this goes beyond just the whole “I hate feeling itchy” mindset.  I have no desire to catch either of those viruses. 

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