Sunday, January 10, 2021


Photo for Saturday:


Me, trying to get a visual handle on my various goals and create a workable time frame to accomplish said goals. Between my birthday goals and my 101 goals, I have a lot to get done! ::chuckles:: AND one of my goals is to break my goals down by the month so I’m more likely to accomplish them. ::smiles:: So here’s hoping!

Work was pretty chill. I wrote up a little blurb about our Rexie and posted it to our chat forum for the Library. It will earn me major brownie points with the super higher ups, plus I want to get as many people involved in this little project as humanly possible. I mean, it’s a great fun little thing – writing and receiving postcards from a Red Dino – but I also want it to be a wild success just so I can strut about it as well. ::chuckles:: Yes, yes, I am that petty still.

Photo for Today:


Ms. Ravioli enjoying her basking lamp. Yes, I do still have the bearded dragon. The plan was to meet up half-way and hand her off to my cousin this morning. But we were slated to get wintery mix all night and all day, so we decided yesterday to postpone it for safety reasons. So the plan now is that we will meet up next Sunday. So yeah, I get to enjoy the little beastie for a whole week now. I’m rather excited to be honest. I’ve never cared for a lizard before. Definitely a different personality than Leviathan.

I just have to remind myself, I don’t get to keep Ravioli. I’m only holding her until next Sunday. Can’t get too attached. But I can definitely see the appeal now of having a bearded dragon. I may have to get one in the future at some point.

I was supposed to do a virtual ritual with the Coven. But the high priestess said she had no real idea on a ritual to do. And I’m very much in the “if you don’t have a purpose for it, then why are we meeting” mood. I’m not one of those witches who feels the need to DO a ritual just for ritual sake. Just because it’s the full moon doesn’t mean I HAVE to do a ritual. Sometimes, the best ritual is just to BE. Just bask in the current energies and relax and ground and connect with yourself.

Which, I do need to do some reflection and figure out what this New Moon Wishing Charm will center around. I have a few days yet before I’m out of the New Moon, and I have a few concepts I’m kicking around. Nothing has crystalized just yet though. And I flat out refuse to push it right now. It feels even contemplate pushing it or forcing it. This one has to flow. ::shrugs::

Speaking of going with the flow…it’s awesome when you are contemplating something and the universe gives you a sign that it’s a good idea. I watched a video on making a Road Opener oil a few days ago, and one of the ingredients required is dried orange peel. I don’t currently have any of that and sure as hell don’t want to BUY that ingredient. So I figured I would buy some oranges eventually and use that for the oil. Saturday, as my coworker and I were hashing out some ideas about the Rex, she had two oranges that she proceeded to peel and toss away the rinds…into my trashcan. All I had to do was retrieve the best pieces and bam! I have dried orange peels. ::smiles:: Ask, and thou shalt receive.

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