Saturday, April 2, 2016

NaJoWritMo 01

written: April 1st

Here it is, April 1st. First day of the next round of the National Journal Writing Challenge.

And here I am, running ‘round, avoiding it like the plague. ::laughs:: Forgive me, I am so deeply restless, I am pacing back and forth like a caged predator.

Little bit of awesome news today, that, unfortunately, I am not at liberty to share on the social networks publicly just yet.
I am an Aunt x2 now. Yep. Lil Niece decided to show up a full WEEK early. The Bro and Sis-in-Law are still debating names. They thought they had a whole ‘nother week to hammer it out. ::laughs::

Leviathan (my snake) is also catching the Spring Fever. She’s slithering all over her tank all hours of the day and night. Maybe once we move, I can finally start working on a bigger, more naturalistic look enclosure for her. Seeing all the BEAUTIFUL enclosures some of the venomous snake keepers create makes me want to really step up my game for her. I want to try my hand at bioactive substrate (ground cover with live organisms in there that will help break down the excrement matter). I’m on the fence about putting live plants in there…seeing how much she’s crushed the soul out of the fake one in her tank currently…I don’t see a live plant surviving long with her. ::laughs:: But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Speaking of the house…as far as we know, we are still on track to close on the 14th of this month. In less than TWO WEEKS we could possibly be moving into our house. FINALLY. Gah! I have so much to do between now and then. I wish I didn’t have any classwork due. Maybe I can light a fire under my ass and get as much done as possible this weekend so I can have the rest of the week to declutter and pack. I’ve got to remember to drop off my old dresses for Project Prom sometime this coming week.

If I can swing it, I desperately need a vacation this summer. It doesn’t necessarily have to be up to Indiana to see my wolves…though that would be SO nice. But I need some time AWAY. I need a damn road trip, even if it’s just overnight.


  1. I have plenty of room for all-we could hit Salem Ma and the entire Cape Cod scene.

    1. Oooh, that would be AWESOME! *laughs*
      Sadly, I don't think my bank account will be up for the challenge this year. :)
