Monday, April 4, 2016

NaJoWriMo 03

written: April 3rd

Oy vey!  I finished up Module #8 Essay question to the tune of 403 words.  So that should count for something, yes??  ::laughs::  Only EIGHT more assignments total for both classes and I'm DONE with this semester.  Holy crap. 

I seriously need to just hire someone to help organize me and then KEEP ME ON TRACK.  Because this whole "me being responsible for ME" shit ain't working out for me!  ::laughs::  Again, my Mom is a saint because she's put up with my bull-headedness and frightening stubborn streak for 34 years!  I'm just now trying to seriously steer this ship! 

I have a feeling that tonight's entry is going to be light.  I'm utterly exhausted and yet have MORE classwork due by Thursday.  Oh, and while I'm talking about Thursday -- I have a staff meeting before work that day in which we are getting the Pre-Reg packets for the parents for next school year.  AND I have my lil Group/Coven thing meeting AFTER work in Dallas. Plus, a BIG project is due that Thursday.  I do believe it will be a safe bet to say I will be completely and utterly FRIED on Friday.

April 11th is my 10th anniversary of being self-injurious behavior free.  I try to do something nice for myself on that date to recognize the hell I survived and all the progress I've made since then.  I was hoping to do something big for my DECADE...but between school work, work-work, and house/moving stuff it's looking like that may not be possible.  I'll still probably buy myself some lilies for that day, but I'll push the fun until some of this craziness dies down.

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