Thursday, October 29, 2015

Saturday Jabberings

written: Oct 24th

Damn, I just did not want to write at all.  I have avoided it like the plague since Wednesday.  The two jobs were just bat-shit insane and I am utterly wrung out.  And then all the rain and storms blew in from Hurricane Patricia.

Supposedly Hurricane Patricia is the largest ever recorded.  I certainly am glad I am nowhere near her path of destruction -- I am sure it is going to be terrible.  But I am grateful for the rain.  It is very soothing to my very exhausted spirit.

Starbucks boss Shands text me to remind me about our wonderful "mandatory" store holiday meeting this Wednesday.  I laughed out loud before deleting it.  Shands already knows I won't be at the meeting.  I figure right now, I would do best to fly under the radar with that job.  There's no sense in stirring the pot.  I figure I am so damn close to the breaking point, and if I am pushed once more, I am gone.

I submitted my schedule advisory form earlier today for Grad School.  Hopefully they will be quick at approving it.  I will be taking the first two of three required courses for the Master's program.  After that, I get to choose what classes I feel will be best for me.  I am so ready to get this damn show on the road.  I just hope this enthusiasm sustains me throughout this next semester.  I am sure it's going to utterly thrash me, but hopefully in a good way!

I am still plugging away at the genealogy stuff.  It's become soothing to check on the "Smart Matches" -- matches between individuals within my family tree and the same individual (most of the time) in other family trees.  I can then fill in the blanks that I may have for those individuals, plus find other relatives of that individual.  I am just loving it.  Currently my oldest documented relative was born in 1360!  It is staggering to realize I can trace back through a very twisted family tree to Rose, who was born 621 years BEFORE me!  AWESOME!

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