Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dancing with the Devil

::laughs:: Oh it’s been ages since I’ve been properly accused of being “offensive”. And yet, “offensive” use to be my middle name. Yes. Manitou Offensive Wolf. My mother was such a witty bitch. (get it? bitch? female canine? me being a wolf? oh geez, you just suck all the joy out of everything, don’t you!)

But I digress. The most horrible, shameful, I-should-be-tarred-and-feathered for, offensive remark that I made that has earned me the scorn of some random Internet Joe Blow? This one: “I have TAUGHT myself to have ADHD.” Lifted from my previous blog entry.

And I was honestly scratching my head, muttering to myself....”Of ALL the offensive things I’ve posted, THIS? THIS is the one that sets someone’s panties all into a wad over? REALLY?”

I mean, all my “praise Lucifer” shit didn’t even get a nibble. But this? Whee, we’ve had fun with it. ::laughs and shakes her head::

And who said hanging out with Lucifer couldn’t be fun?
Shit, even HE is perplexed.

Like, this is how I would see this conversation going down in my head.

Me and Lucifer are sitting on my balcony.
Me in a nice black, flowing robe – satin or maybe silk.
And he’s, sitting there in brilliant white, with his ebony feathered wings tucked neatly back.
I’m sipping a glass of red wine and he’s smoking a cigar.
And I tell him this is what some mortal took horrid offense with me saying.
And he pauses, his cigar (most likely Cuban…because....come on. It’s LUCIFER for christ’s sake), and he cocks his head at me, and says (in my mind, his voice is deep like Sean Connery, but not so much Scottish burr to it), “Are you shitting me?”
And I say nope.
And we die laughing.
Once we wipe the laugh tears from our eyes, he says, “I’ll have to remember to use that line the next time around.”
And we enjoy the sun set.
And end scene.

But seriously, I think we’ve gotten way too “politically correct” -aka- TERRIFIED TO ACCIDENTALLY OFFEND SOMEONE OUT THERE IN THE BIG WIDE WORLD, that we can no longer joke or have fun.

Oh because I have not be diagnosed with ADHD, I am now barred for joking about it. Well, you know what? I TAKE OFFENSE TO THAT. You are being prejudice against me because I do not suffer from ADHD. ::grins and winks::

It’s just all a big game to me, to be honest. I have had people talk shit about me for being white, for being Native American (aka INDIAN – the tomahawk kind, not the red dot kind {see, even more offensiveness there!}), for being FEMALE, for being Texan, for not being petite, for speaking up, for NOT speaking up, for not being blonde, for dying my hair red, for keeping my natural hair color, for being Pagan, for NOT being Wiccan, for being bipolar, for being a recovering cutter, for anything and everything....and you know what? I don’t really care.

In the end.
Outside of my small circle of friends and family, I am a full blown sociopath. And to put it quite bluntly, I don’t give two shits about you.

I mean, sure it would be sad if you died. I can recognize that there are people out there in the world that genuinely care for just about any individual on the planet and would be sad when that said individual no longer is among the living. I am just not one of those people. You have little (if any) affect upon my life. Just as I have little to no affect upon your life. So why do you care so much with your little crusade?

It’s not like you are going to change my mind. I’ve been dancing with the Devil for far too long.

And yes, I’ve taken the liberty of making the comments that inspired this entry to private. As much fun as I’m having, I don’t necessarily wish to launch The Individual into the lime light that She/He may or may not enjoy. So yes, while I’m a pretty strong sociopath, I’m not a total asshole.

Most of the time. ::Cheshire cat grin::

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