Thursday, July 23, 2015


written: July 21st

It is awe-inspiring to stand tall among the Dark Goddesses.  Their hair, feathers, fur rippling in the winds.

It is exhilarating and oh-so-humbling to ride on Celaeno's dark feathered back, as her powerful wings ride the wicked winds of the biggest storm you have ever seen.  These were the storms that I sailed and rejoiced in before man's ancestors were even a day-dream of Creation.

It is exhilarating and oh-so-humbling to stalk through the tall savana grasses, rubbing shoulders with Sekhmet, the white lioness of the desert. All I have hunted and killed to feed my family millennia before man stood upright and proclaimed himself above it all.

It is exhilarating and oh-so-humbling to perk in the naked branches of an oak tree using the crow's piercing gaze to look at the sacred groves of the Druids, being preened over by the Morrigan herself.  I have watched and loved my small warring Celtic Tribes long before the Romans burned the entire world to ash. 

It is heartbreaking to sit upon the Hill, on a low stone bench, with a skeleton hand gripping my own and a weighty scythe laying across both our knees.  Dear child, I have been here since the beginning and I am the ending.  All things flow out from me into the world to share their spark, their song, their heart dance...and when it is is back to me they return.  There is no Creation without Destruction.  And no Destruction without Creation.

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