Friday, July 17, 2015

An Ex and a DoucheBag

Ug, I hate when I read something that reminds me of my Psycho-Ex, Ken.  Inevitably, it triggers dreams of him.  At best, even if he is behaving normally and even benignly in the dream, I wake up with that slimy residue feeling of having been in his presence.  At the worst?  He is an evil, boogey man creature that terrifies me all night long, so that I sleep almost nothing, enjoy a constant state of border-line panic attack, AND also have that slimy residue feeling of having been in his presence.  

Last night was a half way between the two opposites, not exactly benign, but not the boogey man either.  So, while I was able to sleep, I slept like crap.  And my anxiety was higher than normal, but not border-line panic attacks.  But yeah, my tolerance for bullshit was damn near non-existent.  AND I had to work at Starbucks.  Yippie. 

The good news?  Douche-bag Darrel is now officially GONE.  Praise sweet baby Jesus!  Today was his last official day.  After this, he is moving to HOUSTON.  Hell yeah!  Six hours away and with no family in the Dallas area, I do not foresee him popping back in from time to time just to say hello.

The bad news?  I had to work with Douche-Bag Darrel today.  On his last day.  And we all had to pretend like we are sad he is leaving.  District Manager Kelly even came out to take pictures of the staff all together.  The only reason I am smiling in the one photo I could not manage to get out of is simply because Darrel is leaving.  But I hate being forced to pretend like I am really going to miss the guy.

He is an ass.  He has no people skills whatsoever...unless we are talking about cozying up with the customers.  He is aggressive and even came at me at one point that I thought he was going to scream in my face, if not physically lay hands on me.  I think the only reason he stopped before it got to that point is because I went into a fight stance, had my fist ready to strike, and waited on his next move.  He just stood there all dumb-founded and I told I would not accept him talking to me in that type of a manner and that we would discuss this again when he was rational.  So yeah, forgive me that I refuse to be sad that he is leaving.

So tack on the troubling dreams of my Psycho-Ex and yes, I have been a bit on edge. 

And I hate that.  I hate the baggage I still carry from all the fucked up things Ken did.  He was never physically abusive.  But damn, did he ever fuck up my head.  His ability to play mind games and to warp everything to the point that you were questioning if Up was really Up or if you were just too screwed up to know.  And that set the stage for him to then swoop in and "rescue" me and TELL me what was Up.  ::shakes her head::

And, from what I've heard...I was just his warm up.  He has become even more devious, even more warped, even more cruel and sadistic.  My heart truly goes out to the women he has conned and those he will con.  Because, short of someone putting a bullet in his skull, he will never stop his mind games, his mind fucks, and his complete mental domination of whatever female he is with.

One of these days, I should really sit down and write out all the messed up things he did.  I won't share it publicly, as I'm sure I'll simply be accused of making shit up or blowing things out of proportion.  And honestly, they are not things that truly need to be aired in public.  No good will come of that. 

But I need to write it.  For me.  And then I plan to read each one out loud to myself.  And tell myself that I forgive myself for getting into that situation.  I forgive myself for whatever role I played in the drama.  And then I'll burn that shit.

Wouldn't mind also writing a letter to Ken, outlining all the horrible things he did. And while I would love nothing more than to mail it to him, it won't do one bit of good.  And most likely, it will spur him to contact me, because in his mind, no matter what the letter says, I made contact, therefore, I must want him back.  And since I have just now gotten him to leave me alone for 2 solid years now (we've been broken up since 2003 and I've been with my husband since 2007....just to give you some sort of idea here of the level of stalking/obsession I'm talking about), I will not kick that hornet's nest.  Instead, I'll write the letter and it too will be burned.  It's time to let some of this shit go.

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