Monday, July 20, 2015

Death's Grasp

I stand ready
and resolute
draped in black
and skull mask
shielding my face
for I am MORE
than myself
in this moment

with death
and life
balanced perfectly
in my two
capable hands

Now is the time
to strike
hard and clean

Listen to the singing
the ringing
of a beautiful silver blade
slicing through all
the dead and dying

Time to begin cleaning out
the fields
of Life

Rip away
the choking
thieving weeds
that deny nutrients
to my Dreams
my Plans
my very Soul

Hail, Macha,
the War Crow
Hail, Sekhmet
the Blood Drinker
Hail, Celaeno
the Dark One

Time to trim the fat
Time to cull the weak
from the herd
Time to pull weeds
in the Garden of Life

The more I work with my various deities and spirits, the more it seems the Wheel of the Year (Pagan mythology that follows the various seasons and celestial occurrences throughout the year) play absolutely not major roll in Their wheeling and dealing.

Conventional Pagan mythology states that Lammas/Lughnasad is swift approaching -- celebrated on August 1st.  This is the celebration of the First Harvest, focusing mostly on grains.

Not a time that the Goddess should appear in the form of Crone (Death with the Scythe -- or at least, not as strongly as she appeared).  Sure the grains are cut, but the vision I saw was a great Reaping.  More along the lines of Samhain -- All Hallow's Eve -- the Final Harvest of the year.

So why am I seeing flashes of Autumn, when the hottest summer days have yet to descent upon me?

Like She instructed, through Her many guises...a great Reaping is coming.  All the good and positive and BALANCE in my life is being chocked out. 

I follow the Crooked Path.  I dance in the Woods.
And yet, I have somehow managed to be lead astray like some poor lamb.

The Culling is coming.
All that is not beneficial to my Herd, my Crops....that shall all be cut away and burned.  That ash will be stirred with water and lard.  And then it will be returned to the bless and feed my make it all more wondrous, strong, vital, and beautiful once more.

The goddesses and spirits, while they do respect the natural order of the Natural World....well....sometimes, I just need that BIG of a smack upside my head.

In case you didn't realize....I can be quite thick-headed and excessively stubborn and stunningly ingenious in my deviousness.  ::laughs::

Hence why Macha (a Celtic War Goddess), Sekhmet (Egyptian lion-headed War Goddess), Celaeno (the Dark Storm Harpy), and Death Herself came knocking today. 

What blinders I must have been clinging to with one hell of a death grasp. 

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