Thursday, July 30, 2015


I am thankful.....
1. that today was Friday for the Tech Job (they aren't open on Fridays at the moment).  I really need the break.
2. I've somehow managed to lose four pounds.  I mean, sure I'm on my feet a lot at the Tech Job, and I'm not eating so much Starbucks food (or drinking so much Starbucks either), but my eating is still crap.  But hey, I'll take it!
3. listening to Yuki Koshimoto on YouTube.  Her "space drum" music is just stellar.
4. house sitting again for the Robinsons beginning tomorrow afternoon.  And given that I don't work at all tomorrow, that means some serious pool time again!  Woot!  Can't wait.
5. the Divine giving me various nudges on my photography again.  Amazing how it randomly pops up.
6. that I have tomorrow all to myself.  No job demands.  I do plan to get a number of errands done, but they are all on my time.
7. that my husband can make me laugh, no matter how pissed off I come home from working 8+ hours with Christina at the Tech Job.
8. all the blue jay feathers I've found thus far on my walks.  It motivates me to get out there and walk with Holly, hoping to find more.  ::smiles::
9. MoonTime is complete.  A lot of insight during this one.
10. pay day from the Tech Job.  While it ain't great (given all the days we've had "off" or were sent home early), it IS still money in the bank.  And that is always something to be thankful for.

So I got to meet up with Mr. Robinson today to go over the basics again on house-sitting.  Sammy, their golden retriever, was over the moon ecstatic to see me.  So yeah, no matter how shitty my day was up until that point, it was a great day because of his adoration.  I plan to do a lot of hanging out with him and SWIMMING again.  I've got the pool again for week, so you KNOW I'm going to be there as much as I can be.  I've got the good beginnings of a nice tan from the last time I house sat for them, so I'm hoping to build on that.  ::grins::

It is hard to believe that July is almost over and done with.  This month has flown by.  I'm not ready for August.  I just wish I could pause time for a day or two and just catch my breath.  I'm tired of feeling like I'm rushing around, but accomplishing NOTHING of worth.

But on the flip side, I am ready for it to be January.  I'm ready to start working on my Master's degree.  I'm ready to let go of my Starbucks job.  I'm ready to really begin working on my own future.  It's taken me ages to get to this point, but I feel I am finally ready.

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