Monday, July 27, 2015


written: July 26th

Man, the desire to run away is so strong.  I want to go back to The Mountain that I did my Vision Quest on, years and years ago.  More years than I truly want to count, thank you very much.  I don't necessarily need to do a Vision Quest right now.  I just want the quiet solitude out in the heart of nature.  A week out on The Mountain.  Just me, The Mountain, the wildlife, and the Nature.  I wish I could rent a cabin in that area of New Mexico -- one with a hammock if I had my way.  ::smiles::  That sounds about as close to heaven as I could easily get any time soon.  The only thing that sounds better is a wolf sanctuary I read about a while back that had a bed and breakfast in it -- in Montana, if I remember correctly.  THAT would be an amazing trip.  I will have to put it on my list of goals.  It will be a few years down the road, but I can be quite patient when it fully suits me.  Besides -- the pay off will be a truly magical experience -- so worth the require time and effort on my part.

This longing for complete isolation out in the heart of nature comes on every time this time of the month.  And having the neighbors that I currently have, only makes the mountain retreat sound even MORE heavenly.  All joking aside, I do however need to do some solitary camping soon.  The crush of the city and its hoards of people is seriously making me twitchy.  I really need some quiet.

I am in utter disbelief at the sheer crush of constant NOISE we, as a society, seem to require now.  We are constantly blasting noise -- be it music, tv, video, etc.  We have become addicted to our own blasting voices, as we shout to be heard over each we scramble to fill up the quiet with noise so we don't have to face what is IN the quiet.  It seems most people cannot simply sit in silence and enjoy it.  Me?  I love it.  To me, nothing says, "I am completely at ease with you", than to be able to sit in comfortable silence with someone.

I really could see myself putting in the time, effort, and money to completely soundproof my home when I get one.  Or, barring that extreme, at least completely soundproofing my bedroom.  I do not want to hear people mowing their lawns bright and early on the weekend.  I do not want to hear the normal shrieks and yelling of children at play.  I do not want to hear the massive base of rap being blasted out of cars driving past.  I do not want to listen to my neighbor down the road blaring his Tejano music.  I want the option of not hearing any of that -- at least when I am at home, unwinding from a day spent OUT THERE. 

Certainly makes for a lovely day-dream, no?

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