Thursday, July 23, 2015


written: July 22nd

Everything feels so incredibly OFF today.  Like everything is a painting that isn't hung quite straight.  It's leaning to one side or the other...not enough to be immediately noticed, but you realize it, the longer you look at it.  Amazing how just a few millimeters can make all the difference in the world.

I guess it goes to show that I'm rusty when it comes to communing with Spirits.  I don't think I'm 100% back yet.  I can also toss in that my MoonTime is impending.  Or that I've had a headache for three days straight now.  Not a migraine, but just a steady ache in my head...enough to be noticed, but not overly distracting.

I can blame this on a hundred and one things, but in the's all still off kilter.

Doesn't help that my loathing of my coworker Christina (at the Tech Job) has reached a near palpable state.  It definitely has a texture to it...spongy.  Reminds me of the time my brother killed his first deer and Steven (my Mom's long time boyfriend) was helping him field-dress it in the garage.  I touched the lung and it has a very distinct spongy texture to it.  That is what my loathing of Christina feels like.

I hate how negative I have allowed myself to become.  I essentially take on all of Christina's negativity and harbor it inside me.  And when my husband gets home, I unleash it all on him.  Not that I'm being rude or ugly, but that I'm sharing all the crap she did and said over the course of the day, and it gets me all worked up again.  That's not healthy.  And why should I be bringing HER negativity into MY home?  That is stopping here.

I'll need to shield myself psychically before I can work with her again.  I'll probably wear my medicine bag (with my protection charm from my Vision Quest and my lil mountain lion Zuni fetish).  I'm thinking of using the Harpies' War Water to draw a protection rune on my front door to keep more of that negativity out.  Maybe even put a thumb print of it on my forehead to shield ME as well.  And I think it's about time that I talk to our bosses and see about working with someone else.  This isn't healthy for either of us, and I know me.  Eventually, I will snap and I will cut her down to the quick with my words. 

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