Friday, April 17, 2015

Ken Dreams

written: April 15th

I dreamt of Ken last night.  He is my psycho Ex -- my truly warped, mentally and emotionally abusive, horrible Ex.  And I truly hate it when I dream of him because it brings all those old issues and insecurities and fears back to the surface and he haunts my mind for the entire next day.  It's like a paper cut in my mind.  Minor, but always hurting, always drawing my attention to it.

He wasn't even horrible in this dream.  He was just his normal, charming self, trying to be my friend and help me out.  I kept trying to distance myself from him because, even in my dream, I knew he was a bad person.  But he kept popping up right beside me.  It was creepy but not distressing. 

Ken once claimed he had the ability to Dream Walk.  This basically means, he had the ability to put himself into the dreams of others.  And I swear he does.   There have been dreams in the past that I swear we were actually communicating...actually talking...almost like it was in real life instead of in a dream. 

And it's easier to say that he walks in my dreams because he FORCES himself in them.  It's more gratifying to always paint him the villain.  And to give him supernatural abilities that make him even more grotesque.  It's easier to lay all the blame on him.  That it's HIS fault.  And to take no responsibility for myself.

Do I feel he does possess the ability to Dream Walk?  Yes. 
Do I feel he is perverted enough to do so as a way to exercise control over me?  Yes.  But only in the past.  I don't think he does that to me any more. 

Either I've gotten better at my shielding.  Or my spirits shield me.  Or I have ignored him long enough that he's finally gotten the hint that I do not desire him to be in my life at all.  Honestly?  I think it's a mixture of all three.  And it only took ignoring him for the better part of a damn decade to drive home the point that I've moved on.  That I'm not interested in him.  That I want no part of him in my life at all.  Just a decade.  That's how warped he is.

So no.  I don't have to give him supernatural abilities to keep him a villain in my mind.  I simply have to recall all the horrid things he did to me and to my friends to remind myself to steer completely clear of him.  And because of all the horrible things I know he's done, I do still check in on his Facebook page from time to time.  Luckily for me, he's moved out of state.  But it's not that far of a drive from Georgia to Texas and he's been known to get a wild hair up his ass and make that drive on a whim.  So yes, I keep an eye on him because I want a heads up in case he decides to drop in on me (as he's been known to do in the past). 

So while I cease to believe he Dream Walks me nowadays, it doesn't make it any less unnerving when he does pop up in my dreams.  I think now, my mind pulls him up, the Predator (in the cruelest sense), to remind me to be aware of what's going on around me.  I get tunnel vision and only see things the way I want to see things...which keeps me blind to the darker manipulations of those around me.  That's typically when I get a Ken dream...a call from my subconscious to wake up and really take a good, long look at those around me.  Do they have my best interests at heart?  Or are they simply leading me, a dumb sheep, to the slaughter?  And am I blindly going along with it?  A Ken dream shakes me up and brings out my own predator intelligence.  A Ken dream shakes loose the blinders I put on myself and warns me to really look around and see what's truly going on.

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