Saturday, January 25, 2020

A Really Nice Day

Yesterday was an amazing day all around.  I wish I could have more days like that.  I need them.

The weather was gorgeous.  I was graced by the first cardinal song of the year in the morning.  Josey pup and I had a nice walk.  I need to do that more often, as we both could stand the extra exercise.  And Josey definitely needs the mental stimulation as well.

I got to visit my kiddos at the after school program.  I dropped off a big bag of the cinnamon Jolly Ranchers for the staff.  We got so addicted to those during November.  I have a bag for myself, but won't bring it up to work until after I have my new cubicle.  I'm not risking those going "missing".  

I got to catch up with Jess about how the campus is going actually.  Everyone else was giving me "Oh it's Great" -- but the new campus leader was also hanging around, so I was pretty sure that wasn't the whole story.  Jess gave me the major low-down.  Honestly, the new campus leader just needs to grow a set of balls and step up to the plate and everything would be a thousand times better in Jess's opinion.  

It was rather heart-warming how many of the kids asked me if I was coming back.  And then when I told them that I was just visiting, a handful asked if I could get fired from the library so I could come back.  ::laughs::

I am feeling pretty proud of myself right now.  I've got all of next week's storytime outlines written and printed.  AND I have the following week's storytimes done as well.  I'm rather ahead at the moment.  I do need to get stuff ready for the Preschool's storytime craft, but that one is pretty basic so it shouldn't take much time.  My plan is to be a week ahead from now on, at the bare minimum.  Honestly, I should just spend the time and get all of February completely done and ready to go.  

Besides, February will be busy as it is Letter Mo (Month of Letters Challenge).  I need to get my intro/update letter written and ready to go.  I have a handful of pen pals still waiting for replies as well.  I've ordered my Letter Mo stickers for the envelopes and am just waiting for those to arrive.  I really should look into my local library's rubber stamp carving machine.  I would love to make my own Letter Mo stamp to use.

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