Sunday, January 19, 2020


written: Jan 16

Ug, I am rocking a medium headache, hoping it doesn't develop into something worse.

I actually am rather proud of all the work I got accomplished today at work.  Worlds more than I usually do.  ::chuckles::  I do need to do a better job of staying on top of the new books that get processed in so I won't have such a massive stack to go through.

Preschool story time went pretty good.  I had more kiddos this time around -- though not like I had a ton.  I had eight people this time around instead of just three, so it's progress.  Besides, honestly, I like the smaller groups.  I do plan to go back to my Montessori roots and incorporate some of those Circle Time Songs.  At least with the preschool kiddos.

Speaking of Montessori, Lisa contacted me the other day to congratulate me on the new job and to say that it was so weird not seeing me at the staff meetings.  She then told me that Donna (psycho boss) had sold the Montessori school finally.  Lisa and I had worked there once upon a time, ages ago.  So I went snooping and ended up on the CPS website, reading about the citations that school had received recently.  Turns out Donna was locking children in the bathroom, sometimes with the lights off, as a form of punishment.  I swear, I had to pick my jaw up off the ground when I read that.  Like of all the people I know, she KNOWS how unacceptable that is to do to children.  It really messes them up and makes them terrified of the bathroom, which makes it so difficult to potty train.  ::shakes her head::  Lisa said she was sad that Donna didn't get her just deserves.  Me?  I'm just glad she's no longer having anything to do with children.

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