Friday, August 12, 2016

Thankful Thursday

written: August 4th

I am thankful…
1.       Beautiful first sliver of the new moon cycle that hung perfect on the western horizon – the tiniest slice that made me pause and just BASK in the glory of La Luna.
2.       Finally sucking it up and dropping in on Hazel.  She’s been unreachable for a while and I just needed to make sure everything was ok.
3.       David reminding me of the video of the two German men trying helium-infused beer.  It’s the perfect thing to bring myself out of the negative tailspin I was in.
4.       The pair of Carolina Wrens.  I have had the privilege of watching the past two days.  I really need to look into the totem qualities of Wren.
5.       That I get to work tomorrow – even though it means I only get a two-day weekend.  It’s optional for the next two Fridays, but it’s extra money on a very lean paycheck.  So I will be there.
6.       The reading I did for myself with The Gilded Tarot for the New Moon on Tuesday.  It was a kick in the teeth, but exactly what I needed to hear.
7.       Quick trip down to Houston with my Mom to celebrate Little Nephew turning two.  Plus I finally got to meet my four-month old Little Niece for the first time.
8.       Nina (my Sister-in-Law’s grandmother), for sitting and chatting with me when my anxiety was crushing me.  I doubt she knows it, but it really helped me out tremendously.
9.       All registered and paid up for my second semester of grad school.
10.   My Mom.  She’s is an amazing blessing in my life.

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