Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Recap

One of the nice benefits of the Tabula Rasa ritual is that it makes me take account of the year past.  It's kind of nice to see how well the year went, and how the bumps in the road aren't quite a big as they used to appear.

Positive: I did the Dino 101 class through Coursera and just loved it.

Negative: Sadly, we had to renew our lease for another year at RBC apartments.
Positive: I finally opened up my savings account for the money I'm saving towards my Polar Bear Trip.

Positive: I finally did my "Snow Angel Butt Print" for Gloria.

Positive: 1st month doing the NaJoWriMo Challenge and I love it.  And I celebrated 9 years self-inflicted injury free.

Negative: Almost punched my assistant manager Christina at Starbucks for constantly touching me.
Positive: Watching the two hawklings.  My drum-making class at the Lightworker's Sanctuary -- so awesome.

Negative: Heavy police presence in the apartment complex due to a domestic incident involving a deadly weapon.
Positive: Moody Gardens trip with my Mom!  So much fun!

Positive: Darrell (head boss at Starbucks) transferred to another store....SIX HOURS AWAY!  David bought a 2014 Honda Civic.
Negative: Homicide on my wooded trails had our apartment complex in lock-down for 4 hours.

Negative: My Great Uncle Pete died.
Positive: Getting to attend Carter's 1st birthday!

Positive: Ray's Super Secret Surprise (an artisan handmade Elephant Journal of AMAZINGNESS) was a wild success.  David got a BIG raise.  I applied to Grad School.

Positive: Awesome behind the scenes tours with my Mom at the Abilene Zoo.  I got accepted to Grad School!  Logan told me they are expecting their second child.  And I fed my students "Crick-ettes" (seasoned crickets) and became the coolest teacher EVER.

Negative: The near constant fighting with Starbucks.  I got into a fender bender.
Positive: I finally got a smart phone.  Great birthday.

Positive: I quit Starbucks!  I met up with two Deviant Art buddies at the Fort Worth Zoo.  I met Hazel at the Divine Feminine Meet-Up.  Paid for the Spring semester's classes.  And David and I started looking at houses.
Negative: Danny Lugo died.

So all in all, a damn good year.  I'm ready to take on 2016.

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