Saturday, November 21, 2015

11 Years

A letter I just sent to my journaling group, in honor of my 11th anniversary of joining.

Eleven years ago, I stumbled across this group, and I've never looked back once.
I've made some and lost some amazing friends here in that time.
But I wouldn't change a thing.

I came here in one of the darkest periods of my life and it was a very, very rocky road for years. 
But my core group here always stood by me.  Always held aloft a torch to light the way.  And always encouraged me to continue on.

Y'all road the roller coaster of my ups and downs, with psycho-significant others, and some seriously toxic individuals.
Y'all cheered me on when I graduated college with my bachelors. 
Y'all cheered me on when I did my Vision Quest.
Y'all cheered me on when I took off on various road trips and finally got to experience wolves up close an personal.
Y'all held my hand when I was raped and then found out he'd given me one of the most aggressive cancer-causing strains of HPV.
And y'all were there when I met, fell in love, and married my twin spirit.  Heck, most of ya watched it when it was streaming online!  *smiles*

I guess, what I'm saying, is that, even though I haven't met most of you in person (yet!), I am so deeply grateful for all the love and support you have shown me.

Besides, what other group would have dared me to make a butt-print in the snow?!  *laughs*  Love you, Gloria, and miss you so terribly much.

I only hope that I can repay the kindness you have each shown me over the years.  You guys truly are one of the most amazing groups of people I know.  And I am so deeply humbled to have you all in my life.

Blessings, and so much love to you all,

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