Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Basket of Randomness

Another crazy day at Starbucks today.  Worked 10:45 to 2:45 pm.  I hate the afternoon shifts, especially when I'm not on store support.  I don't do well with down time at work.  I feel useless.  *chuckles*  And I hate being on the register, but I like it better than being on the drive-thru register. 

Actually working on an art journal page.  First legit one since....late last year.  I did a few "legit" art journal pages in the swap I was a part of.  I busted out the paint and am having a blast, though I am a bit frustrated that it takes days to get this stuff accomplished, as I have to wait for the paint to dry.  I do like the speed of scrapbooking paper.  But I don't like a whole lot of that in my journals.  *shrugs*  I'm just difficult like that.

Still poking around Neo-Luciferianism.  I catch myself wondering how people would react if I named myself a Luciferian.  *laughs*  It's never a good reaction.  And given that I live in the Bible Belt, I'm sure I might even find myself in the middle of a good old fashion Witch Burning.  Gotta love Texas.

But am I Luciferian?  *shrugs*  I'm still looking into it.  I'm still trying to figure out what it is exactly.  I don't take on a name of any sort until I feel I understand the bulk of it.  While I do agree with what I've found thus far, I do have quite a bit in common with traditional Satanists, but I don't consider myself one of those either.  *shrugs*  I think I need to just back away from labels.  They tend to be too confining.  I'm just stick with the super broad "Pagan" label and add whatever fits my fancy.

A dear friend of mine posted the following status on her Facebook page:
"Sometimes I cry because I don't want anyone to be lost... I want us all to go to Heaven... Jesus waits... Come everyone, come..."
And it really got my hackles up.  I know that she means nothing but the absolute best, as her beliefs limit those going to Heaven only to those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior.  But geez, even the Pope has gotten on board with the whole "if you live a GOOD life, regardless of faith, you'll go to Heaven", so why can't she?  I hate it when people "mean well" but in turn insult my own personal beliefs.  I wish they could see how prejudice this is to those of different faiths.  I wanted to respond, to let her know how insulting such a statement is to me, a proud Pagan woman.  But I chose to hold my tongue.  Did I do the right thing, not challenging her statement?  I merely posted "I don't consider myself lost. There are many Paths. Mine and yours are simply different, but we are all headed to the same place."  I've gotten no response, so maybe it did point out what I was feeling.  *shrugs*  I don't know.

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