Friday, February 14, 2014


I want nothing more than to curl up under my blankets and sleep the day away.
Wonder if I could actually sleep though. Not sure that would actually occur.
But to just spend the day dozing under the blankets, and working in my art journal....yeah, that would be heavenly.
BUT, I have the after school job to go to, so no snoozing for me.

Lil Bro text me last night (though I didn't read the message until this morning). Turns out, he found out they are having a BOY. I'm so happy for him and Lindsay.
I totally plan to spoil the shit out of that kid. I'll help geek him out. Hopefully he'll be into animals and when he's older, we can spend the day at the zoo learning out all the animals.

I was on the drive-thru window this morning at Starbucks. We got slammed at one point and this lady was being a total cunt about the whole thing. Honking her horn, even though there were 3 cars in front of her. And then when she got up to the window, she was all like, What the fuck is going on? I've been in line for half an hour! I was so tempted to say, Uh, no. More like 8 and a half minutes. Bitch. Never wanted to spit in someone's coffee more than hers. But boss was hovering at that point, so I laughed it off and said that people were coming through with big orders (which is true) and got her coffee to her asap to get the bitch out of there. Boss Man complimented me on how well I handled her and the craziness that was the drive-thru today. I told him 18 years of child care teach ya how to deal with those types of people fairly easily.

Supposed to have our sprinkler heads replaced in the apartment sometime today. I'm not holding my breath though. Originally, it was supposed to be done Wednesday and we have to kennel Holly (which is something we do not typically do...she doesn't require it). But each day I've called to see if they've finished up with our apartment, they tell me it will be the next day. Finally pissed me off enough to email them about it and complain. My biggest issue with this is that David is having to get up early to take Holly out and feed her to then kennel her for this replacement, only to have them say, oops, didn't get to it today. Not cool. And this is just par for the course for them, so it's not even like I'm surprised. But they swear up and down that they'll get to us today. So'll probably be done sometime next month. *rolls her eyes* I can't wait until our lease is up and we can leave this place behind.

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