Sunday, February 24, 2013

Here and There

ART:  via tumbler

Here it is, almost 4 am and I'm still up. 
I've gotta get my sleep schedule back on track.
I'm just happy I'm not sleeping 12 - 15 hours a day now. 
I'm on a new medicine, Geodon. 
Interesting note, Geodon, while being used for the treatment of bipolar disorder, is also used for Schizophrenia.  *chuckles*

I really should keep a mood diary. 
Geodon's website highly recommends it and even has a free one on their website I could download and print.
I should probably do that on Monday. 
If nothing else, it would force me to pause each day and really check in with myself on how I'm fairing.

I might be going down to Houston over Spring Break.  My brother has purchased a condo/townhouse and would love to show it off to us.  Plus, it would be a good time to meet Lindsay's family.  Not sure if David will be able to go or not, but I'm hoping he can.  It would be nice to get out and do something new.  And then there's the pet store down around the Houston area that I can feed their Gaboon Viper.  I really, really want to do that.  *smiles*

I'm not going to the North American Reptile Breeders Conference this weekend.  I'm just not feeling up to dealing with crowds.  It's coming back in August, so I'll have another opportunity to go and see all the pretty reptiles they'll have.

Speaking of reptiles, I need to check and see when the next meeting for the DFW Herpetological Society is.  I want to attend a few of those when they have interesting topics and/or don't conflict with Coven meetings.

Speaking of the Coven, we had ritual tonight.  We dedicated the new Temple room at Beowulf's apartment.  It was me, Beowulf, Jen, and Harold (met them at the last Coven class).  I enjoyed it.  I'll write more about it later.

We got our income tax back.  Woohoo!  I've picked up a copy of Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic by Edred Thorsson for our Runes class.  I've been looking for a set of Runes to use while we learn about them but nothing really caught my eye.

Actually, that's not true at all.  This set caught my eye:

A beautiful set carved into deer bones.  But I refuse to pay the whopping $160 they're asking for it.  Even flush from my income tax return, I won't do it.
So maybe my medicine IS working.  As my typical self would have said go for it.  *chuckles*

Maybe, if I dedicate myself to really learning Runes and become good at it, and it's something I really enjoy, I'll consider saving up for a set.  But for now, this is just way too rich for my blood.

Instead, this much more reasonably priced set of Runes caught my eye and I kept returning to it, no matter what other sets I looked at.

Hand engraved hematite that are then inlaid with goldleaf to make the Runes themselves stand out more.  And at $16, these are FAR more affordable than the deer bone ones.  Maybe I'll make my own set from wolf bones?  I dunno.  As a part of the class, we'll be making our own set of Runes.  I went ahead and bought this set so I could have one on hand to practice with.  For each class (one class a month), we'll be studying two Runes.  There are 24 Elder Futhark Runes, so it will take a year to complete this course.
And I think now, I'll head off to bed.  It's now almost 4:30!  *laughs*

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