Sunday, December 30, 2012

Photo Time!

Altar for last night.  I just got the silver scarf in yesterday (that's what I use for an altar cloth).  And picked up the caribou too.

Figured I would share photos of my Christmas card album:

This was our Christmas card for this year:

First Christmas card we received was from Nicky!

A fun hat one of my students had up at work.  While I was wearing it, I called myself Natasha and talked with a Russian accent.  The students thought it was the most hilarious thing ever:

We actually WON something!  Too bad the prizes weren't reversed!!!!

And finally the finished tree:

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Come On In.....ramblings

via pinterest

Doesn't that just look so comfortable and inviting?  I know I'd love to curl up inside of it and just snooze the day away.  I have plans to make myself a small one like this one of these days. Gotta have access to a sewing machine though, that's for sure.  I'm not hand-stitching that bitch.  No way.

Found a dress I like on Pinterest.  No really.  The original one I saw was white under the lace.

But then I saw the green and fell in love.  Which is odd, as I'm not a fan of green at all.  But it just seems so RIGHT for this dress.
I just need the body to go with it.

Did 10 minutes on the elliptical today.  Nothing crazy special there, but it's the first time I've been on the elliptical since the 8th, so that's something. 
Making a plan to do 10 minutes a day or at least 70 minutes a week.  That gives me some wiggle room, so I could do more on one day to catch up if needs be (and I'm sure I'll need to use that from time to time).  I need to stick with my work out motto:  Baby steps, but DAILY steps.  I forgot all about ANY steps.

Saw my psychiatrist yesterday.  I'm off of Abilify for good.  Apparently there are a rare few that develop an intense restlessness on the medicine.  I'm one of those damn "lucky few".  Wish I could be a non-health related "lucky few".  Why I can't I be one of those "lucky few" that win the lottery, eh?  That would be nice!

So now we're trying me out on Seroquel.  My doctor warned that this has been known to make people drowsy.  So I am supposed to take it at night before going to bed.  Yeah, did that last night around 11pm.  Didn't go to bed until 2 am.  *sighs*  Am I going to be one of those "lucky few" again?  I go back on January 15th.  We'll see!

Finished up the tree.  I got the trunk attached and added in the presents.  I'll post photos of that another time.  Don't really feel like doing it right now. 

AND I got one of those small 3 ring binders to use for the Christmas cards we got this year.  That turned out pretty damn cute too.  I plan to do that every year.  I want to do the same for the rest of the cards we have.  A binder for all the wedding cards would be cool, plus one for birthday cards.

I can hardly believe that 2012 is almost over.  Just a few more days and it's done. 
I'm taking up the 365 photo challenge -- that's one photo every day for the year of 2013.
And I'll be doing the Project Life scrapbook challenge too.  Plus all my art journals of course.  Can't forget those. 

Yesterday I also finished up the last on-line course for Texas Teachers alternative program.  I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am that that part of the whole thing is over and done with.  Nor how proud I am to have banged out 9 classes in 5 days.  I'm approved for the Generalist 3 - 8th Grade and 8-12 English, so those are the two tests I'll study for and take.  As soon as we get back to work, I plan to print out the study guides and begin that work.

I picked up a red journal (like a moleskine but a FRACTION of the price) and have turned it into my Bucket List Book.  I've got tons of things written down in it...all things I would like to do before I kick the bucket.  I'm using it as motivation to get my butt in gear and get stuff done so that I can accomplish and enjoy the various things I have listed there.

I am also working on my 31 Goals for my 31st year AND my 101 Goals in 1001 Days.  So far so good.  I plan to check in one a month on both of those and keep myself on course.  First check in will be January 2nd.

Friday, December 28, 2012

O Christmas Tree

So I'm finally getting around to sharing photos of the Christmas tree I made.

Hand-stitched two things of garland on it to make the tree itself:

And then used twist ties to anchor the lights:

Ah shit.  Forgot to put the trunk on the base of the tree.  Oh well.  Maybe in the next few days I can get that done.  And I need to finish up the fake presents that will be attached under the tree for David, me, Holly, and Leviathan.  *grins*

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thankful Thursday 12.27.12

art via pinterest

Because I am in a bit of a sour puss mood (go back on entry to read about it), I'm making it a point to sit down and do the LAST Thankful Thursday of 2012.  I'm refusing to allow one person ruin my mood right now.

I am thankful.....
  1. that I'm doing relatively well at the moment and haven't done anything stupid over the past month that I would truly regret.
  2. that I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow and that hopefully we can find something that works better for me without giving me ADHD/ADD like symptoms.
  3. that I have a good marriage with a good man.
  4. that I only have one more class to take and pass for the Texas Teacher's education portion.  After that, I take my placement-thingie test and then I can begin applying for jobs.
  5. sold another Zuni fetish on eBay.  I need to get the others listed and sold too.  This brings me up to 4 sold.
  6. good Christmas with the family.  I got a lot of nice items and am quite pleased with it all.
  7. got my hair cut.  I've been needing one for about 3 months now and my hair looks so much more healthy now.
  8. various art journals and whatnot that keep me occupied at times.
  9. that I've taken myself off of Abilify so the ADD/ADHD traits should go away.
  10. and that I'm done with this Thankful Thursday.


Ok, so I got this flash of creativity of how to write my Imbolc ritual that I'm responsible for doing for my Coven.  Was totally digging it and having a blast.

And I emailed the Coven to double check and make sure that I do indeed have Imbolc.
My High Priestess emailed me back almost immediately that she was pretty sure that was correct.
So I emailed her off list and asked again about the possibility of initiation.  And now she's poofed off the internet once again.

It is just so damn irritating.
I mean, if you don't think I'm ready for initiation, just say so.
If you need more time to think about it, just fucking say so.
But this whole, I'm not going to respond for friggin' MONTHS is irritating beyond belief.

And I'm sitting here already debating if I was going to stay with the Coven or not. 
This certainly doesn't make me want to stay.

But I'm holding off my decision.
I'm going to write a kick ass ritual and will do a few more rituals with the Coven before I make my decision.

Better Holly Photos with Santa

I'm finally getting around to posting the photos we had done of Holly, David, and Santa on the 15th at PetsMart with the same Santa we used for Leviathan:

Total blooper shot that David and I really liked all the same:

And a good photo of just David and Holly:

Randomness is the Name of the Game *EDIT*

I finished up 1.5 classes today.  The Special Education class just really sucked the will to live out of me.  And then it didn't help that the first part of the Engaged Parent presentation was over an HOUR long.  *sighs*  Man, I've done more work for this alternative program in the past few days that I have all year.  I really am trying to finish this up by Friday.  Not sure why I chose that as the day, but it is what it is.

I've also finished up my calendar journal up to the present.  I had a few months that I was behind on, but for now, I'm 100% caught up.  And that's a nice feeling too. 

Still not sure how I'm going to do next year's calendar.  Maybe I won't because I'll be doing the Project Life AND a 365 Photo Challenge.  This will be my first year doing the Project Life -- my mom gave me all the necessary items for Christmas.  And this will be my 4th attempt at the 365 Photo Challenge -- 2 of those attempts I completed.

I need to get the last bits of this blog printed out.  I like having a paper copy.  Hell, I need to get the blogs from 2004 - 2009 printed out too. 

It's been two days since I've had any Abilify and while I see an improvement on my ADD-like traits, they are still very present and pretty damn strong.  Makes the classes a bit harder to do.  The urge to cut is a bit stronger than the standard humming it's usually at.  But still nothing dangerous.  It just pops up and I can easily shut it down and we go on about our lil lives no problem.

I got my hair cut today.  Though I doubt anyone could tell.  I cut 4 inches off and other than it just looking healthier, you can't really tell.  It still touches the top of my bra strap in the back, so it's not like I lost a whole lot of length there.  Hell, I could probably cut another 4 inches off and it would still fall below my shoulders.  I was tempted to ask what it would cost to bleach a strip of hair, but opted not too.  I won't have the extra money to do it anytime soon, so why bother asking?

Project Life is a super easy (or so they say) way to scrapbook an entire year of your life.
Read more about it here.
I've got my binder all ready to go with the sheet protectors and some of the cardstock slips already in their spots.
I'll be posting photos of my layouts as I get them done....probably once a month (if I'm really on top of things) or so (if I'm not so on top of things).  *laughs*

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


photographer: Alexi Lubomirski

I've completed 4 of the online classes for the Texas Teacher's alternative teaching program already.  I'm feeling quite proud of myself.
And while this isn't my number 1 choice in jobs, it is something I know I'll be good at.  And the fact that I'll be making more money, has already taken quite the load off of my shoulders.
See, I make damn good money hourly at the moment...$23.81 an hour before taxes.  It's just that my hours are SERIOUSLY limited and I'm barely making ends meet.  Hell, sometimes they don't meet. 
Like right now, I'm off of work as school is closed.  And while I'm relishing the time off....the ability to finish out my last classes and then prep for the teacher's test....those are DAYS that I'm not getting paid for at all.  No money is coming in and I don't go back to work until January 7th.  See how that hurts my paycheck?
Once I'm a teacher, I can opt to have my salary spread out over 12 months, so I'll get paychecks in the summer, even when I'm not working.  I can't begin to explain how excited I am over that alone.  No more having to hunt up summer jobs.  I can take a summer job, sure, if I want it.  But it isn't a desperate thing.

I've opted to take myself off of Abilify.  Even on the half dose, I couldn't sit still for more than 15 minutes.  Focusing was damn near impossible.  I was just insanely restless and paced quite a bit.  So I'm off it.  I've got to be able to focus if I'm going to finish up the last of these classes. 

I found a taxidermy place in Lewisville that I plan to check out soon.  I have a set of antlers my brother let me have that I would like to have professionally cleaned and then mounted.  I have to check out the price on that before I can move forward with that plan.

And I still have to pay for the Sekhmet painting Kimberly is doing for me.  She's requested that she be allowed to put it on hold until the new year.  Which helps me out greatly. 

AND there's a lady on Deviant Art that made a beaded bracelet based off of the pattern on her Bearded Dragon's back.

I would love to have something similar made of Leviathan's patterns and contacted her about the possibility.   She says that Leviathan has get colors and patterns for a bracelet, but that the bracelets start at $90.  *sighs*  So that's another fun thing that is going on the backburner.

As for the non-fun things, just about everything on my car to stand to be replaced.  I need to replace 3 of the 4 fuel injectors (have replaced one, which is why I 3 left to fix), plus a complete fuel cleanse and flush AND new fuel filter (about $900 for all of that).  I also need new motor mounts ($250 to $500 -- haven't gotten a quote on that just yet, will be calling them tomorrow).  Two new tires, though my mom has offered to pay for those.  We'll be looking at tires this weekend and getting that taken care of.

So yeah, the sooner I can start teaching, the better.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Coleman & Journaling

handwritten yesterday

The drive to Coleman went quite smoothly.  We spotted TEN State Troopers on the drive, but since my crazy speeding days are behind me, they didn't pay me one bit of attention.

My doctor has decreased my dosage of Abilify.  He wanted me to go down to 10 mg, but there was no way I would make it to his office by 1 pm on Friday -- I had to be at work by noon as it was an early release day for the students.  So for now, I'm just cutting the 15's in half.  I go back for my follow up on Friday, the 28th, and we'll see how it goes.  The depression and impulse to engage in self-harm are practically GONE, which is so nice.  Now if we can just get the ADD traits under control, life would be grand.

Mom was nice and let me use her color printer.  So I've got a lot of artwork for my Wishcasting Cards printed out and ready to go.  I'm hoping to have all of the Wishcasting cards done and completed by the end of the year...which is swiftly approaching.  I'm thinking I may buy Jamie's Wishcasting Journal for next year, though I do like the index card size format, so I may stick with that.  I wonder if they'll be the same prompts again, or brand new prompts?

I don't think I'll do the Full Moon Dreamboards again this coming year.  They just seem to bee too much of a chore.  Or maybe I should do the New Moon prep-work and then do the actual Full Moon Dreamboards?  I don't know what journal I'll use for those.  I plan to pick up a monthly day planner to use for my calendar journaling.  And hopefully I will be better about keeping it up to date.

And I believe this covers all the journaling topics I wanted to touch on.  And I think this is the longest entry I've written recently in one sitting!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

ADD much?

art via pinterest

I had plans to come here and write my thankful Thursday list.   It's been a while since I've done one of those.
But the motivation left me before I even got here, so I doubt I'll do it.

Motivation has been so fleeting here recently. 
I think I'm having adverse reactions to the Abilify. 
Difficulty concentrating.
And the frequent urge to urinate, even though I just went 15 minutes previously.  And when I do go, it may be just a tiny sprinkle.  But it feels like I really need to go.  *sighs* 
That last one is listed as one of those side effects to Abilify that you need to notify your doctor about as soon as possible.  So I guess I'll be calling him in the morning about it.  Thank goodness these are just samples and I didn't have to pay for them.
I wonder what's next.

So this is what it's like to be ADD.
I just wandered off to FaceBook for about 15 minutes before remembering that I was writing a damn entry.  *sighs* 
Yeah, definitely calling the doc tomorrow. 

We're going this weekend to do Christmas with my family. 
Logan, my brother, is going to show me how to clean and sharpen a blade.
I'm finally learning all sorts of good country things.  *chuckles*

David's given me one of his k-bar knives from his military time.
It's dirty and dull as shit for the most part.  So that's what Logan is going to help me with.

Apparently a gun range opened up a few miles from us a few months ago. 
Natalie, one of my aides, was telling me about it.
I should see what it costs to go.  And if they do archery lessons too.
I wouldn't mind learning how to bow hunt.
Again, I'm headed back to my country roots.
But seriously, I'd love to go elk bow hunting at least once.
After seeing elk up close on my Vision Quest back in 2006, white-tailed deer just look like babies.  *chuckles*

Eh, I think that's all I can focus on for now.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Goals & Progress, Unicorns & Totems

ART: Snow Queen
ARTIST: Emily Balivet

I'm doing worlds better.
The desire to cut is lessened to a normal thrumming level. 
A level that is constant in my life, yet regulated to the background noise and chatter.

I'm actively working on my 31 Goals for my 31st year. 
I made my 2nd new recipe tonight.
First recipe -- Red Velvet Cake Dip....I give it 3 out of 5 stars.  Eh, I wasn't overly impressed, though David raves "It's brilliant."
Second recipe -- Cheesy Ranch Chicken....I give it a 3 out of 5 stars, too.  I also wasn't overly impressed with this recipe.  It's similar to my Parmesan Crusted Chicken, but the Parmesan Crusted Chicken is WAY tastier and much simpler to make.

I also made my wish at 12:12 on 12/12/12.   
That was another one of my goals.

I'm also working on loosing weight. 
I'm down 10 pounds thus far. 
Still have 27 pounds to go to hit my first weight goal.
Now that the depression doesn't have me in a choke hold, I should be able to get off my ass and start working out again.
I need to get back into the habit of using weights too in my work outs.

I checked on my alternative teaching certificate. 
I lack 9 more online classes. 
Then I take my certification test(s).
And then I can start looking for a job.

Totally random, but back when I was a senior in high school, I did my senior English research paper over unicorns.
And I came across a book supposedly written by monks about the unicorn.
And I've NEVER been able to figure out the name of the book.
Until today.
The Unicornis Manuscripts: On the History & Truth of the Unicorn, by Michael Green.
You have no idea the thrill that went through my body upon accidentally stumbling across this book through Pinterest.
It'll cost me around $35 to get a copy of the book, so I'm hoping that after Christmas (money), I'll be able to get it.

I finally did my Tabula Rasa year tarot reading. 
I did the beginning stages of my Tabula Rasa ritual back on my birthday (November 10th). 
This next year seems to be a year of emotions....lots of water creatures.
Challenges are presented, but so is wonderment.  Should be interesting

Well it's 2 am. 
Time for me to head to bed.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hmm, what to write about.

I've decided that I'm going to see if I can finish up my alternative teaching certificate program.
Yeah, that means I'll be looking for a job in the public school system.
Am I'm thrilled?  No, not exactly.  But it's a job I can do and am good at, so I might as well be making better money doing it.

We ended up taking Holly to Petsmart yesterday after we got back from doing photos with Leviathan.  Those photos turned out so much better.  I'll share those at some point.

So I had my emergency (in crisis?) appointment with Dr. Watts on Friday. 
He gave up part of his lunch break to see me.
So we've added Abilify to the Depakote I'm currently taking.  I go back in 2 weeks to see how I'm doing on this.

Talked to David about my current depressive state and desire to cut. 
He pretty much said exactly what I expected him to say, that he can't have sympathy because he just doesn't UNDERSTAND it.  He's never been there, so he doesn't know what I'm feeling.  But he said it in a positive way.
He told me he couldn't understand the desire to cut just because he's too much of a coward to do it himself.  He has no desire to suffer -- which led into a discussion as to that being why he hasn't quit smoking...he doesn't want to suffer.  *chuckles*  But he said whatever I need him to do, please let him know and he'd find a way.  It really meant a lot to me.

Friday, completely out of the norm for me, I ordered the Whiskey River BBQ Burger at Red Robin.  I swear my mouth totally had a food-gasm all over it.  *laughs*  It's been years since I've had a burger, but oh my lordy, this was heavenly

I'm finally getting around to listing some stuff I need to get rid of on eBay.  Wish me luck.
I've only got 3 Zuni Fetishes up right now.
I have another 5 to list.
Plus two masks and a piece of artwork. 
Hopefully they'll sell and I can have a bit of cash in my pocket.  Certainly not planning to get get rich here any time soon.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Santa Photos!

Pet photos with Santa Claus!

Sadly, Holly's didn't turn out that great and David is more than a little miffed about it.  This is, after all, his baby girl.

The Santa we got today, for Leviathan, was great fun.

Here he is pretending to be afraid:

And then a good shot of my princess:

Great fun.  :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


ART: Deer Woman
Polina Nefidova
And thus the pendulum swings.
Spent about two weeks in darkness.  Dangerous, deep waters of darkness.
And now we are swinging back to the manic side.  *sighs*  Thus continues the roller coaster ride.

Winter has returned.  Amusing to think that a week ago, we had temperatures in the 80s
Now we were down into the 40s.  Brrrr doesn't even begin to describe it.
I am not a huge fan of the winter.
I like the temperatures to swing between 55 and 100 degrees max.   
Anything outside of those numbers, I don't really care for.

I am so ready for Winter Break.
Just 9 more days.  Well, 9 more work days. 

I am all restless.
I feel like there's something I should be doing.
I just don't know what it is.

I know a number of things I need to do.
Hell, even a few things I want to do.
Motivation to actually do them?  Yeah, no where to be found.

Instead, I play around on the internet.
*scampers off*

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sekhmet Art

A friend of mine is a great artist and she recently did a sketch of Anubis that was amazing
I like Anubis.  I just don't work with gods.  *chuckles*

So I asked her if she'd be interested in doing a commission piece of Sekhmet.  She's agreed to take on the challenge.
It'll be an oil painting, 8x10, and will cost me $75.

Here's her preliminary sketch:

I told her I wanted the mood to be powerful/fierce without being scary.  And I do believe she's nailed it.
I like the braids on the right side, so she'll add those to the left too.
And instead of placing the solar disk on Sekhmet's head (as She's traditionally shown having), we're leaving it more rays or a solar haloing effect. 
She'll be a pale, pale tawny color...between a white lion and the standard lion coloration....and will have warm honey amber eyes.

I need to rework my whole altar area.  The black shelf I have above my altar could really be lowered a good two inches.  I need to sell the two masks I have (Sekhmet and Black Wolf) as I do not use them....and honestly, never did. 

And I need to sell the Sekhmet painting that I bought purely on impulse, that I don't care for now (the artist used a mountain lion instead of a lioness).  Then I could hang this new painting above the black shelf and hang the deer antlers above that (whenever I get around to finally cleaning and mounting those properly).

Monday, December 3, 2012

Reindeer and Hair

ART: into the wild: emily senko
ARTIST: rennio maifredi

I keep getting questions as to when I'll be dying my hair. 
Honestly...not until the Summer most likely.
"Unnatural" hair color is frowned upon in my job (working with children through the school district), which bars my dreams of having lavender and/or ice blue hair.  So I have to wait until the summer to be able to do this.  But trust me, I will have my pretty, pretty hair one of these days.
I would be tempted to do a dip dye over Winter Break.  I just have to check on costs.  And given that I bought the Dancing Goddess Doll I was wanting (at $40), I doubt I'll have the money left over to dye my hair also.  We'll see on the 15th, as that's my payday.  If I have the money, I'll certainly look into it. 
If I go that way, then I'd dip dye the bottom 3 inches or so blonde first and then lavender, so the lavender comes out strong.  And when it's time to return to work, I'd just trim those three inches off. 
I think it would be cool over the summer to put in blonde highlights that I then turned a super pale lavender.

I've gotten questions as to how I know that Deer is my totem for my 31st year. 
The best way I can explain it, is that I'm very in tune with the animal world.  Generally, I take on a new totem for each year, and it embodies the attributes and lessons I wish to learn and embody for that year.  This year, my obsession turned to antlered women.  And by right of that, the Deer.  My new athame's (ritual knife) is made from a mule deer's antler.  And I've been working on the pair of antlers my brother gave me....I'm stripping the hide and flesh from them.  One pair will go in Leviathan's tank for her to slither over and enjoy.  The other, I'll hang near my altar to hang feathers and beads and whatnot from.
And from my various wanderings on the internet, there are actually Antlered Goddesses out there.  It took me some reading, but I found out that Reindeer are the only deer species in which females also grow antlers AND they keep their antlers longer than the males.  So maybe Reindeer is the totem instead of Deer.  I'll have to reflect more on this.

I'm designing my own wand that I'll use during my MoonTime.  My energy moves differently during my MoonTime and I'd like to have some ritual items set aside just for that.  *smiles*  That, and and I'm not feeling all that connected to my current wand any more.  Maybe I'll use my current wand for the basis of my new wand?  I need to get my hands an a copperhead skin.  I don't need a whole lot.  I'll have to see what I can get.

*scampers off*

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Crazy Hair, Rituals, and Dolls

more beautiful dyed hair via Pinterest. 

Ug, we had to get up early today.  *sighs*  Had to drop Holly off at the vet's at 9 am.  Typically on a Saturday, we don't roll out of bed until 1 pm, so that 8:30 am came REALLY early.

I debated on going back to bed once we got home.  But the Dancing Goddess Dolls is putting up a number of her new dolls for sale at 1 pm, and there is one I'm really wanting, so I don't want to miss this.  She'll have only 60 dolls for sale, and I bet they are all gone by 2 pm.  I've got my eye on one, but if I miss it, I've decided I won't buy another one just so I can have one.  It's either the one I want (Pythia to be exact) or nothing at all. 

If I don't get Pythia, I'll spend that money on some clip in hair extensions instead.  Though, I am thinking of dip dying my hair over the summer.  I like the lavender/purple in the above photo (wouldn't mind having the gunmetal blue hair either).  And once school started up again, I could simply trim off the purple ends to make myself "work appropriate" once more.  I'm curious how much it would cost to do this, as I would have to have the ends of my hair bleached out first and then apply the purple dye.  I should look into it, because if it isn't too crazy expensive, I might go ahead and do it over Christmas break.  Would certainly make for some fun Christmas photos with the family!  *laughs*  I'm sure my grandmother would have some comments for sure.  Hell, I might do it just to hear her comments.  *grins*

Hmm, I could go ahead and bleach the tips now and then right after work on the 21st, I could go get the lavender/purple put in.  Must think about this more. 

I've got all my Christmas cards signed and addressed.  I mailed out the ones that are going to Canada (my paternal grandmother) and to Bahrain (a friend).  The others I'll wait a bit so I can get some festive stamps to put on them.  And then I'll mail those out.

I need to do my Tabula Rasa ritual soon.  I need to start focusing on the ending of this year and what I want to begin in the new year.  I need to find my focus word.  I already have the totem for 2013 -- Deer. 

I'm thinking of setting aside a three ring binder just for my yearly Tabula Rasa ritual.  It would be neat to see how it evolves over the years.

I need to clean out my closet.  I have so many clothes in there I don't or can't wear.  What's the point of having them in there?  Time to go through the mess and donate crap I don't need/want.

I need to begin working on a Yule ritual for myself AND on an Imbolc ritual for the Coven.  Each one of us is responsible for a Sabbat, and I was given Imbolc.  I'm nervous about having to write an Imbolc ritual, as the Coven stresses the balance between the God and the Goddess, and I only honor the Goddess.  I tend to shy away from male deities.  Hell, I'm surprised I didn't turn out lesbian with my distrust of males.  *chuckles* 

But looking up the history on Imbolc, it seems to revolve mostly around goddesses, so I think I just might have gotten lucky there.  *chuckles*  AND serpents play a part in Imbolc too, so I would like to find a way to incorporate Leviathan (barring any of my Covenmates being afraid of serpents) into the ritual.  Must reflect more on this.

I need to finish boiling the hide and hair off the antlers for Leviathan's tank.  I found a few small places I missed.  Hopefully I can do that this weekend.

And I've decided I'm going to try my hand at making my own antlered crown.  I found a easy tutorial on making fake antlers that I'm going to try my hand at.  This will allow me to actually wear the crown easily, as the antlers will be lighter (made of wire and papier-mâché).  We'll see how that turns out.

And I think my rambles have come to an end.

For now.......

The Pythia doll is mine!  *grins*

And the info on her:

Pilgrims and seekers come to me, and I, the Priestess of Prophesy will advise you. At some point we all yearn for a Seer to divine our future, to unlock the riddles of Life. I commune with the Gods to reveal the Truth, but there's really no reason that you can't gaze yourself into an Eternal Flame to interpret your own destiny.

This doll is 6-inches tall.