Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Nameless One

oh how my heart cries out
my spirit howls out

a sabbat i've found no meaning in
marked simply
by beautiful weather
nesting hawks
and a lit candle

for someone as young as i
i should be out reveling
dancing among the bonfires
imbibing mead
twirling around the may pole
and consummating the night
with my own faun

eh, but dealings with the harpies
rob me of breath
and strength of body
slowly still does my health return

only now do i chose
to clean out my bedroom
and drive out the last
germs of the plague
tomorrow, incense shall
banish all the rest
of the lingering illness
from my den

but, the moon rides high
and slowly turns to fullness
and my lupine spirit
grows restless
inside this human body
this decidedly human abode

she demands
fleet of foot
dark of pelt
and gleaming eyes
that pierce the night

she demands
time in the woods
time under La Luna
my original Goddess
the one without name
only Soul

so the drum will beat
and i'll change forms
sloughing off humanity
and donning the robes
of La Lupa herself
far more warming
and opulent than
the finest silks in the world
and i shall run free
and howl
and make peace
with my place
in this mad
mad world

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