Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday Ramblings

I was so tired last night by the time my shift was over.  Driving home, I was down in the dumps because I had just enough time to go home, eat something, check the mail, and then I would have to go to bed.  I do not like that late day. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to be up early the next morning.

I am noticing that when I'm tired, my depression rears its head.  This is also the time that the self-injury desire rises up as well.  While it sucks to deal with this, at least I know that this is due solely to being tired.  And that once I get some rest, I will be fine.  I'm just a terrible, whiny brat until then.  ::chuckles::

I haven't doing that great in LetterMo this go around.  I certainly have not mailed out one letter a day.  But I'm refusing to beat myself up over it.  I'm just doing what I can do, and be happy with that.  Maybe next year, I'll prep a bit better and can do a better job of mailing something out every day.  And honestly, I'm enjoying the pen-pals I currently have.  It's a good pace.  

Other than that, most of my work day has consisted of putting together various programs for the library.  I'm chipping away at next week's story-times.  And I've begun working on some of my programs for the summer as well.  And I plan to recycle some of the previous story times, so I'm not constantly re-inventing the wheel.  

Honestly, the most time consuming part is finding the right books for each week.  The baby story time is easy.  We have a set of books specifically for this, and then I just have to pick one more board book and done!  Toddler and Preschool are harder, as I have to look through the ton of picture books we have, to find ones that aren't too long for their attention spans.  But I am certainly getting to know our collection of picture books and board books this way, so I will try to focus on it being a positive thing.

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