Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Lady with the Snake

I seriously just had a great interaction with a patron.  She's having a rough go right now, 8 months pregnant, with a 3-year-old, and she's recently divorced.  So we spent the hour I was on desk, looking for books to explain babies to her 3-year-old, plus discussing the current issues she's facing with her kiddo (acting out), and then moved on to Montessori education.  She was seriously, SO GRATEFUL to just have a moment to talk with an adult about all of these things.  Seriously glad I could help her out.

Apparently I am known across the little city I work in as the Lady with The Snake.  A lady who works at the historical park called, saying she heard someone on our library staff had a pet snake.  I told her that was me.  ::chuckles::  She asked if it would be possible for me to bring my snake out on March 6th.  She’s doing a program for pre-k kiddos specifically about snakes and would love to have one on hand to show them.  I told her that I would have to clear it with my boss, but that I would certainly be interested in doing this.  Well, I got the green light today to do it.  So I’ll call her tomorrow and let her know.  ::smiles::  I am seriously looking forward to it.  I love any opportunity to show her off and show people that snakes aren’t these terrible creatures.

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