Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November's New Moon

Had a LOVELY New Moon ritual (aka, Esbat if you are wanting to know the pagan terminology – I use it infrequently ::laughs::).
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I love the moody photos done by candle-light, even if it doesn’t show a lot of the details.
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But I feel it conveys the emotion, the environment of the ritual itself. And I like that.

Photo of the altar after the ritual, with the lights on so you can actually see stuff:
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Going from left to right, top to bottom:
My new horsehide drum that Brandy painted and made. I ADORE it so much!
Drum beater in front of the drum (with wolf fur trim).
White candle.
Dried rose petals.
Athame (ritual dagger) sheath.
Offering bowl with the dried rose petals.
Tealight from WhisperingMoonStudio. I need to find out what tealight it is, because it smells AMAZING! They included it with a gemstone order I placed.
Pentacle altar tile with gemstones and rose petals on it (sorry for being secretive about it, but one of those gemstones is a special gift for someone who has access to my blog and so I don’t want to ruin the surprise).
Galaxy coyote skull.
Sacred feather.
Jar of rain/storm water.
Another white candle.
Gray Wolf incense by HarvestMoonHaven in the incense burner.

And of course, my traditional postritual selfie:
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IT'S HERE!!!!!

written: Nov 28th

My drum from Brandy finally arrived today!!!!!!

Monster package from Canada:
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Look at the fluorite generator she also sent along:
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Another look at the fluorite generator:
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And the big reveal.......
Me and Mah Drum:
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She’s got such an amazingly deep voice that resonates through your chest. And she sounds awesome using the beater Brandy included or just my hand.

Mah Drum resting on my altar for now:
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The altar needs to be redone for tomorrow’s New Moon. I’ll blessing and claim Mah Drum then.

Saturday, November 26, 2016


Brain: Heya, so you remember that dream I have you a while back of the hot guy you had the biggest crush on for ages?

Me: Yeah, the one that you made him super creepy and controlling?

Brain: Yeah. So how about I give you a dream about him again, and y’all have amazing, marathon, mind-blowing sex?

Me: ::side eye:: Sounds good. What’s the catch?

Brain: No catch. Just lots and lots of fantastic sex with this hot guy.

Me: Suuuure. What’s the worse that could happen?

Brain: Oh yeah. And we’re going to OBSESS about him for the entire day.

Me: Fucker.

Friday, November 25, 2016

The Midnight Maiden

Photos were asked of my new necklace:
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The Midnight Maiden Necklace:
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Isn’t she STUNNING?!?!
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Can’t wait for it to arrive.
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The write up that goes with the necklace:

Picasso Jasper is not only fascinating to look at, it seems to almost mesmerize. With it’s gentle grays and striking black veins, it creates a feeling of calm inspiration - a place in which its beholder can slow down and clear the mind for an opening to creativity and a sense of overall lightness. Picasso Jasper is said to be a companion to artist’s of all kinds, hence the name. It is also seen as a protective stone because of it’s sweet, whimsical nature – those who wear it or work with it closely simply begin to have their spirits lifted and therefore seem to stay out of trouble.

Vibrating with the feminine wisdom and Goddess energy of the waxing and full Moon, moonstone has a reflective, calming energy. It helps to strengthen intuition and psychic perception and brings balance and harmony with the All. It is said to have the power to grant wishes. Moonstone honors the Goddess in all women. It aids in dieting, gardening, psychic awareness and meditation. The Rainbow effect invokes a spectrum of light, and feels cleansing and uplifting.

When I saw the necklace, the image I got in my mind was the full moon rising above the bare tree branches of winter woods. Just gorgeous!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful….
1.       For laser pointers and that Josey ADORES chasing it, for as long as I’m willing to play.  It gives me an easy way to help her burn off some of her excess energy.
2.       That my family is doing Turkey Day tomorrow.  It was awesome just hanging out at the house on a relatively quiet day.
3.       Getting started on a number of my Birthday Goals.  While a number of them have numerous working parts, I am able to start breaking some of them down into their baby steps so that I can start accomplishing them.
4.       My home…my little slice of sanctuary.  I am so glad to NOT be living in the apartments anymore.
5.       Dentist appointment earlier this week to fill a cavity and fix a previous filling went as smoothly as I could have hoped for.  Even if I got TWO injections when I was only expecting one!  NOT a nice surprise!  ::laughs::
6.       Mom had angel food cake and whipped cream for me when I came down for my dentist appointment – a belated birthday cake!  ::grins::  It totally made my day.
7.       Purchase another gorgeous necklace from Luna Blue Boutique.  I couldn’t pass it by.  And luckily for me, Hubs has agreed to pay for it as a Christmas gift.  Woot!
8.       Finally getting started on documenting my gem stone collection.  Even though I’m pretty sure I’m going to need to redo the photos (I took them with my phone inside and I don’t believe the photos are up to my standard).  But at least I’ve got most of the collection in one spot.  I have another box in my closet that I have yet to go through, but I’ve got about half the collection done. 
9.       Inspiration for my Grimoire/Book of Shadows that I just might stick with beyond the standard month.  ::laughs::  I’m not the best at keeping a Book of Shadows, but hopefully this new way (more Bullet Journal style in a 3-ring Binder) will work better for me and make it easier to log things in it.
10.   Only FOUR more assignments left in this semester.  One for INFO 5600 (last required class for my degree) and three for INFO 5300 (the management class) and then this semester is over and done with.  Man, I can’t wait!
11.  Paid off my drum! Woohoo! Brandy put it in the mail to me as of yesterday so now it’s just a waiting game until it finally arrives.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Super Full Moon

Man, I am late posting these photos and write up.
Seems to be my running theme for this year. Oye!

So, yes, Super Full Moon on November 14th.
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Altar photo after the bay leaves were burned:
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Going Left to Right:
Bay leaves (good for writing wishes and burning them).
Athame sheath and Athame.
Black Sharpie (for writing said wishes on the bay leaves).
Four white candles in foil holders (because I did not have matching candle holders for votives – which, thanks to Target, I do now).
Altar bowl with dried rose petal leaves and a Selenite sphere in the center (symbolizes the full moon).
New Bastet statue that David purchased when we went to see the Divine Felines of Ancient Egypt exhibit.
Altar pentacle with my new quartz crystal point.
Incense burner with Gray Wolf incense (from Harvest Moon Haven)
Galaxy Coyote Skull

My now standard Post-Ritual Selfie:
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Monday, November 21, 2016

12 Years

Today marks my 12th anniversary of joining my Journal Writing group.

Waaaaaaaaay back then, it was a Yahoo Group (how many people remember these?) and I was looking for other people who journal…for inspiration for keeping a journal.

I’ve been a journal writer off and on for a long time. The oldest journal I have, I started in 1996.

I thought this group would just be a source of journal prompts and what not.
Boy was I WRONG!

This group turned out to be some of the most awesome and amazing people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Warm and inviting, humorous and witty, deep-thinkers, jokers, and highly creative. And I am deeply grateful that they welcomed me with open arms.

Thus far, I’ve only had the pleasure of meeting one of these awesome people in person. But I have high hopes of meeting a few more.

So thank you to this amazing group that saw me through some of the most dark, dangerous, bat-shit crazy times, and encouraged me to stand up for myself, dive into my own creativity, and nurtured my lil pagan soul (regardless of their own personal Faith). I love you guys more than I can EVER say.

P.S. It was this group that threw me and Gloria together and hatched out the Buttprints in the Snow plan. Again, Gloria, I’m sorry it took me so long to get my own buttprint done, but I’m glad to be able to say I’ve done it my friend. I can only imagine the antics you are creating in the after life, getting the stage set up for the rest of us, when it’s time for us to join ya.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Thankful Sunday

I am thankful….
1. Cooler weather, but still sunny and enjoyable.
2. An entire WEEK off from work for Thanksgiving. I desperately need the pause from the insanity of work bullshit (it’s been unusually high this year).
3. The internet. Gives me such a wealth of knowledge to pick and choose from, plus a lot of humor.
4. Only 6 more assignments left in this semester. Gods, I cannot wait! ::laughs::
5. Beautiful full moon ritual on the 14th – super moon and all that. ::smiles:: I love that my spirituality has gotten a nice boost this year.
6. Writing and how much I enjoy it, be it writing papers for class or writing for myself.
7. A nice article by Witchy Words explaining how she and her coven/circle plan out their coven esbats and sabbats and other goals for the coming year. I will certainly be stealing her ideas and utilizing it for myself. I would certainly like to be more organized this coming year in that regard as so many of my ceremonies were very spur of the moment.
8. Postcrossing. I’m so glad I was introduced to this by Deina as I just love mailing and receiving postcards.
9. Warm sweat shirts and tons of blankets…and finally cool enough weather to get to use ‘em!
10. Feeling more balanced. Not sure if it’s the St. John’s Wort (not sure how long you have to take it to truly start feeling the effects), but I’ll take the stable mood.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?
Yeah. And if you know me at all, you know I’m thinking of our lovely “President Elect”.

How do you flush the toilet in public?
Um, with my hands. If it is so nasty that I wouldn’t use my hand to flush the toilet, then I sure as hell am not parking my ass on it first.

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
Always and forever.

Do you have a crush on someone?
At this moment…surprisingly no.

Name one thing you worry about running out of.
Yeah, gonna stick with money on this one. Just about everything else can be purchased with money, so when that runs out, you are up shit creek.

What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?
When I was younger and going to the rodeo, I was often told by numerous men that I looked like Terry Clark. I take that as a compliment, because she’s hot. ::chuckles::

What is your favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni and extra, extra cheese.

Do you crack your knuckles?

What song do you hate the most.
Meh, none that come to mind right now.

Does just mentioning a song make it get stuck in your head?

What are your super powers?
I hang out with and manage 67 elementary students (with 4 aides) on a daily basis and I am damn good at my job (if my supervisor would just realize this and stop trying to micro-manage the shit out of me on this, it would be even better).

Peppermint or spearmint?

Where are your car keys?
On the key hook.

Whose answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear?
I think anyone who wants to answer it would have some interesting to read.

What’s your most annoying habit?
My arrogance.

Where did you last go on vacation?
Moody Gardens with my Mom.

What is your best physical feature?
Predatory gaze. ::grins toothily:: Oh and my hair.

What CD is closest to you right now?
No CDs downstairs.

What things can always be found in your refrigerator?
Water, ketchup, BBQ sauce, butter, and shredded cheese.

What do you believe/practice?
I am a super eclectic Pagan, with Shamanistic roots, a whole lot of magick, dedicated to Sekhmet, and a dabbler in the Left Handed Path.

What color are your bed sheets?
Currently? Gray. But I do have brown, red, and green sheets as well.

Would you rather be a fish or a bird?
Bird. An owl.

Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive?
Very, very rarely.

What are your favorite sayings?
Do it mother fucker and see what happens.

What song(s) do you sing most often in the shower?
I sing in the car, not the shower.

If you could go back or forward in time, where would you go?
Way back. I’d love to experience Native American life pre-Columbus.

What is your favorite Harrison Ford movie?
Indiana Jones!

What song is currently playing?
No music playing at the moment.

What song do you wish was playing?
None. Am watching tv with the hubs and dog.

How many kids do you plan on having?

If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
John Cena! Or the Rock……or both. ::grins deviously:: Oooh, and Julia Stiles. ::swoons::

What do you do when no one is watching?

If they made a movie about your life, what actor/actress would be you?
No clue.

Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep?
Depends on the reason behind the blaze of glory.

Coffee or Tea?

Favorite musician(s)/bands you’ve seen in concert?
Never been to a concert. I don’t do crowds.

Have you ever been in love?

Do you talk to yourself?
Only when I’m really stressed.

Crystal Swoon

Just showing off my newest crystal.
I know, I know. I’m seriously addicted. ::laughs::

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Like, fo’ realz???
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How was I supposed to PASS on owning this?
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Look at those RAINBOWS!!!!
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Yep, all natural photos. No apps, no fiddling with it. Just a stunningly gorgeous clear quartz, double-terminated wand and some sunshine.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Three Photos of Josey

Three photos of Josey that truly capture her personality.

First, sleepy Josey:
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Doesn’t she look so peaceful and sweet?

And not 10 minutes later, she rolled over and gave me this face:
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That is my puppy dog in a nut shell.
And, for those keeping up with things, this is her most derpy face ever....well, at least, most derpy face to date. ::chuckles::

And I’ve started taking her for walks again, now that my course load for grad school is beginning to taper off.
I had forgotten how wiped these short little walks make her.
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But she’s never too tired to play, so she’s got the remains of a rope ball (that she’s utterly shredded) in her mouth, just in case I decide I want to play. ::laughs::

For all her irritating crap, I really do love that lil asshole dog. ::grins::

Sunday, November 13, 2016

My Birthday Goals

35 Goals for my 35th Year

1.       1 photo a day for the entire year
2.       Build a bathouse or two
3.       Do my Tabula Rasa ceremony
4.       Re-dedicate myself to my Path
5.       Attend 4 public Pagan gatherings
6.       Photobook of Holly
7.       Photobook of the Delaware Trip
8.       Maintain Book of Shadows
9.       Decorate altar for 8 Sabbats and Full Moons
10.   Research bio-active substrate for Leviathan
11.   Try 12 new recipes
12.   Daily walks
13.   Krav Maga classes
14.   Send out 100 postcards
15.   Get professional photos done
16.   Photograph and document gemstone collection
17.   Photograph and document feather collection
18.   Deep clean and declutter bedroom 2x year
19.   Make 3 Pinterest Crafts
20.   List 3 things I am grateful for each day
21.   Have a garden
22.   Get legit curtains for my bedroom
23.   Read 13 non-school related books
24.   Maintain at least a 3.5 GPA
25.   Attend a Ren Faire
26.   Continue to participate in the NaJoWriMo challenges
27.   Make a new set of 101 Goals in 1001 Days
28.   7+ visits to the zoo
29.   Visit 1 new-to-me Zoo
30.   Complete the 2016 Grimoire Challenge
31.   Get all my journals together on one bookshelf, in order
32.   Print out blogs
33.   Print out 2016 My Social Book
34.   Celebrate 1 Feral Day a month
35.   Do not use my credit card from Nov 10th, 2016 until Nov 10th, 2017