Saturday, February 20, 2016

Harpies on the Horizon

The Harpies are whispering in my ear and I know soon I need to sit down and have an open dialog with them. It’s better if I initiate the conversation. It doesn’t bode well to ignore Harpies until they force you to sit down and LISTEN. ::chuckles:: That typically involves one hell of a storm, possibly both in the real world and in the internal world. And honestly, not something I really need right now in my life.

But the main word I keep hearing them whisper over and over and over here recently is “humble”. And it brings to mind something my psycho ex used to love saying: “Humble yourself before you ARE humbled.” Now, stripping away his negative association to the is a good one to remember.

At least in my Walk of Life, anytime I got too “big for my britches” (as we are fond of saying here in Texas), Sekhmet/Goddess/Deity/Universe/LIFE has a fond affection for ripping the rug out from under me. But when I remain humble and connected…I can see that life changing Rug Pull before it comes, and I can prepare better for it. So that when it does happen, I can land right (like a cat) instead of breaking a hip because I was blind-sided.

And I think right now, the “humble” warning is coming because of the Pagan group I’m deeply involved with. Hazel has stated from the very first meeting, that she is NOT the leader. She is the one creating space, and that the leader will show up.

And I won’t lie. I kind of fancied myself as being the leader. Imagine, me as Priestess of a Coven? After all, I was joking about me being the “elder” of the group a week or so ago.

I won’t say High Priestess, because, I believe to claim that title, one must have certain initiations and training. Typically, within the standard Coven “degree” system, a High Priestess is a 3rd degree initiate. And I am no where near that.

Hazel is kind of gently prodding me towards the Priestess/Leader position. Which makes sense in our little group. I’m the one with the most experience, as a solitary and in Coven work. I’m the one that’s branched out into various “flavors” of Paganism/Shamanism. I’m the one that’s done the Vision Quest, the Sweat Lodges, written a number of rituals, who has the fancy tools, and who’s walked this Path the longest of the group.

I decided to pull an Oracle card to get some clarification on what the Harpies mean by “humble” – and I drew “Stay Strong” from the Messenger Oracle deck (which is quickly becoming my favored deck). While looking at the card, it didn’t particularly speak to me, but once I read the write up…talk about being hit by a thunderbolt:

“Life will present you with many trials. Life will bring you times of joy, but also times of suffering; like the weather, it can be unpredictable, harsh and cruel. But you can endure all that comes. Know when to resist, and known when to let go. Know that sometimes you will lose, but that loss can make you stronger at the core. Stay strong. With hope and faith, you can endure it all.”

So yeah, me and the Harpies need to sit down and talk. I need to know what Rug Pulling is on the horizon. And I need to start preparing for it now.

I complain and whine so much about “not having the time” for various things. I think it’s high time, I CHOOSE to MAKE the time.

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