Friday, September 4, 2015

Thoughts on Gay Marriage.....

All this hate and screaming about who's right and who isn't when it comes to gay marriage just boggles my mind.

Look, I understand that some Christians feel it goes against their God's decree....but do they not understand that their god isn't the only one?

I mean, me personally, I don't do animal sacrifice. But that doesn't mean I'm going to picket the holy places that have LEGALLY given rights to practice animal sacrifice.
I'll even take it a step further.  If I raised goats and chickens, why should I have a problem selling these animals to an individual or a group that practices animal sacrifice?  After all, weren't these animals raised to be slaughtered and eaten anyways?  Regardless of how they are killed (as long as it isn't overly cruel)....I don't have any issues.  After all, how is another individual sacrificing a chicken going to effect me?
Different strokes for different folks.
I guess my biggest question is why certain Christians are so against gay marriage? What the hell does it have to do with you? I've read the Bible more times than I can count. And nowhere in there (that I recall) does it say YOU will be punish for another person's sins. If I'm incorrect, please, tell me where in the Bible it says that a homosexual relationship (or honestly, ANY other sin) that ANOTHER engages in, actually harms YOU.
I don't consider myself gay, but I do have bi-leanings.  I do find some women attractive.  I just prefer men.

But if something were to happen and for whatever reason, I was no longer with my husband, and I found a wonderful woman that I fell in love with...I would want to be able to reap all the benefits befitting a married couple.  And I just fail to see how me loving a woman effects the damn county clerk issuing (or NOT issuing, as the situation goes).  Tell me, how does a man utterly in love with another man, or a woman utterly head over heels in love with a woman have ANY sort of serious impact on a damn county clerk's life?  Do you really even think a year for now, the county clerk will even remember the couple, regardless of being homosexual or heterosexual, she issued a marriage license to?

My opinion on this whole issue with the Kentucky County Clerk refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, who now finds herself in jail is simply this:
Yes.  The USA is very rabid in its defense of freedom of religion.  But I personally feel that if you are hired on for a particular job, you need to do the duties of that job.  So, if you are a county clerk, then that means giving all LEGAL marriage licenses to EVERYONE who qualifies for them.  And if you can't do that, then you really need to find another job.
Just like a Orthodox Jew would not apply for a job in a pig slaughterhouse.
Or even a vegan working for any meat processing plant. 

Seriously, if you have major qualms or issues with the duties of you job, then quit and find something better tailored for you.  I don't understand what is so damn difficult about that.

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