Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Whine Fest Wednesday

Ok, I'm instituting Whine Fest Wednesday.  The idea here is to get all the whining and bitching out so that I can then rationally deal with said issues (hopefully).

Whine #1 -- Starbucks.  I realized today, I've got Battered Wife Syndrome here when it comes to Starbucks.  I keep being abused there and I keep coming back, hoping it will be better.  But it isn't.  By staying, I'm saying "I'm ok with being treated this way."  And I'm not.  If Starbucks was a romantic partner, my friends would be staging interventions by now.  So I've got to make some serious decisions regarding this, and soon.  I'm not sure how much more I can tolerate.

Whine #2 -- Touchy Co-workers.  Seriously?  I have to talk about this AGAIN?  Haven't all my co-workers at Starbucks heard the stories about me almost punching Wandering Hands Christina?  And equally seriously, if I'm in your way, touch me on the arm and I'll do my damnest to move the fuck out of the way.  Don't GRAB my arms and hold me there, while I'm struggling to get away from you, IN FRONT OF GODDAMN CUSTOMERS.  Seriously...welcome to my morning shift this morning at Starbucks.  Please see Whine #1 for more details on Starbucks.

Whine #3 -- I don't want to see your ass.  Two of my after school aides are all about the short shorts.  But seriously?  I don't want to see your butt cheeks.  No really.  I don't.  And the fact that I've already talked to them about it and quite a bit of training before the school year started revolved around dress code?  ::shakes her head::  Looks like I'll be busting out my Bitch Boss face this week. 

Whine #4 -- Apartment Office basically said I need to stop "over-reacting" about calling the cops on my downstairs neighbors.  First off, I only call when I think the children are in direct harm, so FUCK YOU.  Secondly, I invited you to come over and listen to the shit I hear OVER MY MUSIC AND FAN through THICK FLOORS AND WALLS.  And then tell me I'm over-reacting.  Goddamn, I can't wait to move out of this hell hole.

Whine #5 -- Grad School Application Essay. For real?  I have to write one of these to apply for Grad school?  Why can't you just take my fucking money and leave me the hell alone on this?

Whine #6 -- Stupid Anarchist Friend.  Everything out of his mouth is Fuck The Police.  Fuck the Country.  Vote for me as President and I'll Execute All These Assholes.  ::rolls her eyes::  Ever stop to think that maybe the whole reason why you have such "negative" interactions with the police is because you constantly and purposely antagonize them?  Just like I have no sympathy for someone who is finally bitten by the dog they've kicked every damn day...when the cops finally shoot his ass, I ain't gonna be the slightest be surprised.

::pauses and thinks::  Yep.  I think that about covers it.
Tomorrow is Thankful Thursday, so I'll balance all this whine with some gratitude.

::dies laughing::  The fact that I wrote this Whine Fest Wednesday on a TUESDAY should be an indicator of just how horrid this week has been!!!!!

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