Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ramblings of Altars, Litha, and Leviathan

ART: Mystic

Just ordered Leviathan's 7th hatch-day photo cards.  It's a little early for them, as her hatch-day isn't until September 5th, but Shutterfly is having a sale -- 20% off.  So, while I have the money (which I won't as the summer progresses) AND taking advantage of a sale, I went ahead and ordered them.  I'll address them and have them waiting and ready for mailing in August.

I emailed in my ritual to my High Priest.  So, unless he requests me to do more work on it, I'm done with that portion of my 1st Degree Initiation work.  In fact, I'm 2/3rds of the way through!  Woohoo!  But the last 3rd is the one that's going to take the longest -- a piece of art that symbolizes my connection to the Divine.

I thought I was making headway....located some quartz crystal points I wanted.  But they're $15 for a 4 inch strand -- beautiful reds, greens, blues, and yellows; drilled at the top ready for hanging -- and another $13 to ship (he's in India).  I was hoping I could persuade the seller to sell me just 4 crystals of each color, but alas, he won't.  So I'm looking at a seller here in Texas.  They aren't the same crystals, but they are still quite lovely.....and a WHOLE lot cheaper.  I'm thinking if I buy one color once a month, it won't hurt my finances too much.  I still need to buy the beaded fringe.  And decide if I'm going to use the shelf altar I already have, or if I'll buy new wood and make a new altar all together.  There's pros and cons to both sides of the argument, so I'm putting off that decision until after I have the crystals and beaded fringe.

But for the India shipper....I still may purchase the red and green crystals from him.  I would use those to decorate for my goddess (red) and god (green), but I'll have to hold off and wait until I get birthday money for those purchases.  The stones are just too pretty to write off completely.

Yesterday was Litha...the Summer Solstice.  It's the longest day of the year.  After this, the days will gradually shorten and the nights will grow longer.  I always have a problem with Litha, as honestly, it should begin to grow cooler after the longest day....but for us here in Texas, the summer hasn't even ramped up fully yet.  August is the brutal month and it's still a ways off.  It's hard to celebrate Litha as the day the Sun's powers begin to wane, when it's going to get stronger and stronger for the next few months.  I understand the symbolism behind it, but my reality doesn't quite match up.  So instead, I simply celebrate it for what it is -- a day holy to the Sun (and Sekhmet) and leave it at that. 

I'm not sure if the Coven is having ritual tonight or not.  I haven't heard from the High Priest yet.  To be honest, I kind of want the day to myself and wouldn't be heartbroken if there wasn't ritual.  Instead, I'll say my prayers/praise to the Sun and the Divine.  I'll leave an offering of incense outside and simply enjoy the carefree summer day.  *smiles*

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