Saturday, March 2, 2013

Speed Dating

ART: King and Queen
ARTIST: chris.merwe


David came up with the idea of "speeding dating" for us for a number of reasons.

We have a serious addiction to Starbucks.  We go there every single day once we're home from work.  And while $8.44 for the two of us to get coffee doesn't sound that bad, that swiftly adds up.  It would be cheaper for us to buy a bottle of Bailey's and have a glass every night than it is to continue with our Starbucks addiction.

But we like the coffee.  We like the dark car that removes all other distractions as we wait for our coffee.  It gives us a place to unwind and talk about our day.

- I'll have Bailey's and he'll probably make coffee at home
- we'll light a nice candle
- and we'll sit at the dining room table and talk

We tried this out Thursday night, though we didn't have the Bailey's yet, so we did go to Starbucks.  But it was so nice.  We sat there for over an hour and half just talking.

Friday, David called me while he was still at work and said he thought our speed date went very well and that he hoped I felt the same way.  And then pretended to be all awkward about asking me out to dinner.  I asked if he was taking me to Red Robin and he said "Damn girl, slow down!".  *laughs*  I love my husband.

So today, we picked up some Bailey's, and we picked up a special candle to use for our nightly "speed dating" -- that doesn't seem all that speedy, given how long we sit and talk.  *chuckles*

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