Friday, November 6, 2020

Feathered Friends

I spent part of my lunch break out feeding my feathered friends.


Alas, they were down at a part of the pond that has a steep drop off to the water, so I wasn’t able to get close enough to see if I could hand feed them this time around. But, progress is progress, and it’s a serious stress reliever for me, to just sit out there and feed them. Plus, we have a few new species of ducks out in the pond, so that was cool to see.


As long as the weather is nice on my lunch breaks, I plan to go out and feed them. I need to time to just relax and hang out with my feathered buddies and not think about anything other than just hanging out with them. ::smiles:: Plus, I’m still working towards my goal of petting a Canada goose and living to tell the tale. I’ve touched one, yes. But haven’t actually PET it just yet.

It reminds me – one of my uncles or cousins or someone related to me, had this special pond out at his house. And every day, at dusk, he’d go out and whistle. And within minutes, these HUGE catfish would come up to the surface of the water because they knew he was going to throw out food for them. I would like to do the same for my feathered friends. Some sort of whistle so they know it’s me and that I’m coming with food. ::smiles::

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